Part 26

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I went to Slughorns supper party, and Blaise, Hermione, Ginny and Harry were there with a few other students as well of course. I sat next to Blaise, while Harry and Hermione sat opposite, I smiled at Hermione, but gave Harry a dirty look I still hadn't forgiven him and I don't know if I ever could with the accusation he made.
After Slughorns me and Blaise left to go the dorms together and we were talking and laughing, we stopped suddenly when Draco was giving us both a death glare as we entered to common room.

"See you later Blaise." I said, following Draco into our own dorm.

"What's all that then?" Draco spat at me.

"What? Blaise was the the supper so we walked back together." I said confused.

Draco suddenly pinned me against the cold wall, memories of years before, came back.

"And do you like Blaise?" Draco whispered.

"Yeah?" I said knowing it was annoy Draco. "He's attractive and all but-"

"But?" Draco cut me off.

"But I don't think I could see myself with him." I smirked.

"Good." Draco said looking directly in my eyes "because your mine, only mine."

Before I could say anything Draco began to kiss me, more passionately than ever before, I moaned into the kiss, as I tugged at his hair. He had his hands holding on to my waist tight. Our bodies were pushed up against each other's, and my back pushed up against the wall.
He moved his hands down to my arse, giving it a squeeze as a hint for me to wrap my legs around him. He kept his hands on my arse, as he carried me to his bed, he placed me down and climbed on top of me, and began to kiss my neck, I moaned in his ear, which made him bite and suck harder, earning more moans from me.
I pushed him over so he was on his back and I climbed on top of him, beginning to leave hickeys on his neck, I took off his tie and unbutton his shirt which he instantly threw to the floor. I sat up, I was straddling him. I took off my own tie and shirt and threw them on the floor with his.
I watched as he admired my half naked body. I stood up, taking off my skirt and socks and he did the same with his trousers. Now we only had our underwear in between us He pushed me back down onto the bed, and climbed on top again. He removed my bra, and smirked at the sight, he began to leave kissed from my chin down my stomach to the top of my pants.
He looked up at me to ask for consent.

"Trust me Draco, I've been wanting this for a while." I smirked and he continued.

He stroked my sensitive area through my pants, causing me to arch my back in pleasure.
He slowly removed my pants, making me impatient, so once he did I sat up and pulled down his, revealing his erect member. I took him in my hand, jerking him off, he leaned his head back in pleasure. As he did, I instantly changed to my mouth, licking up and down his shaft as I did. He moaned at the sudden contact and bucked his hips, causing me to choke. I pulled off for a second but then suddenly Draco pushed me back down and lined himself up with my entrance.

"You sure?" He asked before he went in.

I nodded in response and bit my lip hard. He slowly pushed in and it did hurt at first, so he kept going slow, but quickly the pain turned to pleasure.

"Faster, Draco." I moaned, gripping the sheets.

He began to go faster, me moaning at every thrust and him grunting and moaning. We both began to sweat, I looked up at Draco who had beads of sweat dripping down his face, his hair was messy, and down on his forehead. I had to admit he looked very hot right now.
I felt a knot in my stomach tighten as I felt close.

"Draco, I'm gonna-" I breath heavily, in between moans.

"Same, Darling." He moaned, lying on top of me so he was in deeper.

His thrusts became more sloppy and I came around him.

"Draco!" I loudly moaned as I did

Before he did he pulled out, and came on my stomach.

"Fuckk Y/N" he moaned as he came.

We were both breathing heavily, and he led down next to me while we tried to catch my breath .

He looked over at me and kissed me on the head.

"Care to join me in the shower?" He smirked, as he stood up.

I wrapped myself in his quilt, feeling really insecure all of a sudden. I shook my head and smirked back.

"Your loss." He said as he went into the bathroom.

Once he was out, I went in to have my shower, as the hot water hit my body I began to think, I just lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy, I smiled to myself, then I looked down at the dark mark on my wrist and began to frown, I didn't even notice it on me or Draco when we were having sex.

I walk into the great hall and everyone's talking about the quidditch match, I go over to Ron and give him a hug and wish him good luck. I sit with them for a moment, ignoring Harry.

"What happened to your neck?" Hermione asked, she laughed knowing what it was.

"Was that Malfoy?" Ron laughed as well.

I nodded and began to blush but then I see Draco sat by himself looking upset, so I go over and sit next to him.

"Draco, do you want to come as my date to Slughorns Christmas?" I smile.

"Really? I bright you would've asked Ron." He says.

"Uh no, I just wished him luck in the game today, Gryffindor vs Slytherin, isn't it." I said.

Draco nods

"Well, will you come with me to Slughorns?" I ask again.

"Fine." Draco smiles

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