Part 34

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News went around very fast that Voldemort has The Elder wand. It's true. He broke into Dumbledore's grave and took it, I heard he tortured Ollivander until he told him where to find it or something. I hope he's okay. I over heard some death eaters talking but apparently he was in the cellar -and Luna- when Harry and Ron were thrown in. Voldemort is gathering this massive army of death eaters ready for the battle, I still don't want to do this. I wanted a normal school life, falling in love, having a boyfriend but no, I get messed around or have flings with boys and it's all nothing. Speaking of nothing.

"I still can't believe I've let this go on... it's all so clear now." I stated, walking into Draco's room, closing his door behind me.

He looked up at me confused.

"What?" He sounded bored.

"You. You've been using from day one, I know your father wanted you to be close with me because of Voldemort, it's all an arranged marriage isn't it. You only sleep with me because Pansy isn't around, you don't actually have any feelings for me." I scoffed.

"Y/N-" Draco began.

"Draco! Come downstairs." Lucius called.

Draco sighed and headed out of his room, closing the door behind him.

I shook my head flopping down onto his bed. I couldn't believe him, why am I still letting this happen, I don't want an arranged marriage, I want actually love, my mind always wonders to Fred Weasley when I think of love, I don't know why...

My thoughts were cut off by Draco returning.

"We need to go to Hogwarts when the battle starts but by ourselves." He says, looking at me seriously.

I didn't want to know this. I wanted him to stop using me.

"Why?" I bluntly asked.

"To get my wand back, we'll apparate there." He said, his voice still monotone, like he was numb.

As I led in my bed, staring at the ceiling I began to think of what I said to Draco, and how he didn't deny it. See my parents, especially my dad, are using me to get to Harry, Lucius and Draco, using me to connect the Malfoys to Voldemort/ the Riddles. I sighed as I heard the door open.

"Y/N..." Draco said softly.

"What?" I said, bluntly.

Draco came and sat down at the end of my bed, he sighs as he rests his head against the wall.

"I'm sorry." He breaths.

"If you're truly sorry, you'd leave with me." I shrugged.

He darted his face too look at me in disbelief.

"What?" He said, his jaw dropped.

"I'm leaving, I don't want to do this." I simply said. "Coming with me?"

"You know I don't want to do this either, but he'll kill us if we leave! Y/N you believe he won't kill you because he's your father and that's making you selfish! He might not kill you, but he won't hesitate on killing me!" Draco practically shouted.

I rolled my eyes, leaning my head back against the head of my bed.

"Draco... you're just a coward... like your father!" I spat.

I watched Draco with a bored expression as he clenched his teeth and fists, his knuckles turning white.

"What are you gonna do? Punch me?" I scoffed looking down at his fists before back up at him.

Draco stood up from my bed and began circling around my room. I laughed and stood up as well.

"Or is it that you actually want to do this? You're so jealous of Harry Potter, you're willing to kill him and many others at Hogwarts to prove yourself... to who? Your father? Voldemort? To me?" I asked.

Suddenly Draco pinned me to the wall, his hand around the lower part of neck, leaving room at the top for his wand.

"Don't think I won't hurt you just because you're a girl, Riddle. I could kill you right now and tell my father and Voldemort you ran away to help Potter, and that you've been a spy the whole time." Draco spat.

I couldn't be weak in front of him...

I kept my dominance and just laughed.

"Oh please, Draco. You couldn't live with yourself if you killed me. You're in love with me, it's obvious." I smirked.

"What I feel for you, Y/N, is far from love, your nothing but a egotistical bitch." Draco said through gritted teeth.

Out of nowhere, Draco lowered his wand and hand.
I studied his face, confused. He looked hurt... I get why he could be feeling hurt but why the sudden change in feelings.

"We shouldn't be arguing Y/N..." He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "We're on the same side, no matter what."

"It won't matter after the war, I'll just be a stranger you know." I shook my head, wrapping my arms around Draco.

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