Part 35

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I was called downstairs by my mother, I knew from last time, this meant I had be dressed properly. I searched my wardrobe for one of my many black dresses and just slipped on the easiest one. As my bare feet made contact with the cold stairs I began to wonder what it could be this time.

Dead bodies... of course.

At this point, I was numb to all this. I joined as me, Draco, Narcissa, Lucius and my mother watched at Voldemort was talking to Nagini in parseltongue, I never realised how much I knew parseltongue until now...
We stood in silence, I felt awkward, I wonder if the others did.

"Darling, are you sure going to Hogwarts is worth the effort, why not just get the Potter boy by himself?" My mother spoke up.

Voldemort shot his head towards her.

"Aw my dear wife, I think we should test something..." He said calmly. "Avada Kedavra!"

I watched as my mother's lifeless body joined the other bodies on the floor. I knew what Voldemort was doing, he was seeing if he could get a reaction out of me, while Draco, Narcissa and even Lucius flinched slightly next to me, I didn't make a move.
Voldemort did turn to look at me to see my reaction, he was pleased when I didn't have one.

"My dear daughter Y/N." He walked closer to me. "You have made me proud."

I sat in my room, wondering whether I'd return to Hogwarts for my seventh year, after the war of course, when suddenly Draco burst in, closing the door behind him.

"Y/N!" He sadly said.

"Do you think I should return to Hogwarts after the war? For the seventh year?" I asked him.

"Is that what you're thinking about? Y/N, you literally just watched your own mother die!" Draco exclaimed.

"She was as much as my mother as Voldemort is my father... she never cared for me, never treated me like her daughter, she only had me so Voldemort or Tom I guess at the time would stay with her!" I shrugged.

Draco ran his hands through his hair and sat on the end of my bed.

"Y/N have you gone mad? You literally just watched your mother die and didn't even flinch! What's wrong with you!?" Draco couldn't believe my reaction.

"Draco, do you think we're all going to survive the war? I could die, you could die, anyone could. We just have to except that." I gave a sad smile.

"I know! And I understand Y/N, that you had no love for your mother but wait until someone you do love dies! That'll drag you back to reality!" Draco shouted before storming out the room.

I couldn't understand why he was getting so worked up about it, it's not even his mother...

I sighed and followed him, knowing it was my turn to apologise... we've been arguing a lot recently, I know he's scared of the war.

As I open my door I'm met with Narcissa, who gives me a small smile before pulling me into a hug.

"Y/N, I'm sorry about what happened, and Draco is as well, he's been very worried about the war because he's scared he's going to lose you, he thinks because Voldemort has just killed your mother, that he won't hesitate in killing you, maybe even for no reason." Narcissa whispered.

I let out a deep sigh, as I held on to her tight, my mother never hugged me or anything.

"I'll go talk to him." I half smiled, as I pulled away.

She nodded her head before walking away, down the corridor.

I slowly opened the door to Draco's room and that's when I heard the shower, I decided I'd sit on his bed and wait for him.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

I suddenly woke up, turning to my side I was met with a towel that was wrapped around Draco's waist. After a few seconds of realising what was going on, I somewhat replied to Draco's question.

"Do you have to wake me up with your crotch?" I asked, now looking at the face of the boy towering over me.

He scrunched his face up in confusion at my question, and just headed back into the ensuite.

"Draco! I came to speak to you!" I shouted at the ensuite door.

"And I need to get dressed!" His muffled voice spoke from the other side of the door.

I looked in his mirror and tided myself up before he came back inside.

"What did you want to talk about?" Draco asked in a moody tone, as he slouched down onto his bed.

"I'm sorry okay, but you need to think of your own family more than me, you need to focus on keeping yourself and them alive, I can look after myself!" I said as I circled his room.

"I couldn't care less if you died." Draco scoffed.

I was a little taken back by his words but couldn't show him, can't be weak around him.

"Good, keep it that way." I bluntly said before leaving his room.

Back in my room, I leaned up against my door, before melting to the floor. I literally had no one, Voldemort was my only family, Draco hates me again for some reason, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, all definitely hate me too.
I rested my head in my hands to muffle my quiet sobs.

I have to do this... I may even have to join Voldemort... properly...

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