Part 9

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The great hall was decorated with flags of our houses. It looked amazing, I looked around the hall in awe.

"They've only decorated it like this so this school looks better for the other school." Malfoy scoffed.

All the other students watched as the two other schools entered the hall. First the ladies of the Beauxbatons came in making an entrance. Of course many of the boys stared. Next the brothers of Durmstrang, including Krum.

Once all the schools were settled, Dumbledore revealed The Goblet of Fire.

Many people surrounded the Goblet, watching who was going to put their name in. Dumbledore drew an age line around the goblet so only seventeens and older could put their names in. Cedric ran in, his friends all cheered him on as he was about to put his name in.

"Aren't you going to cheer your boyfriend on?" Malfoy teased.

"ugh, he's not my boyfriend, just because you are jealous." I smirked.

I went over and hugged Cedric before he put his name in. I could feel Malfoy staring at us.

"He's staring at us again." Cedric whispered in my ear, referring to Malfoy.

"I know, I'd better get back to him before he gets too jealous." I giggled.

I walked back over to Malfoy, clapping as Cedric put his name. Suddenly the Weasley Twins ran in with an ageing potion each which they claimed they had created this morning.

"It's not going to work!" Hermione chimed, looking up from her book.

Hermione warned Fred and George that the age line wouldn't be fooled by an ageing potion because Dumbledore himself made the age line and she believes he would've thought of and ageing potion in advance.

Fred and George took the potions anyway, and everyone cheered. It seemed it had worked. However, it didn't they were both ejected forcefully back over the line and both sprouted long white beards for their trouble. They both began to wrestle on the floor, until everyone went silent as Krum put his name in the Goblet.

"Drooling over Cedric are you?" Malfoy called from the top of the astronomy tower stairs.

I moved my focus from the cold snowy air to Malfoy who was stood behind me.

"Honestly Malfoy, that's getting so old now." I rolled my eyes.

I walked over to Malfoy, and showed him my bored expression.

"What's wrong then, why are you up here?" Malfoy asked.

"Malfoy, what do you care? I've come here to think, is that allowed?"

He didn't say anything, but walked over to the balcony looking down at the snow. I followed him over looking where he was looking. We didn't talk, we stood there for a while in silence just enjoying each others company.

Today was the day, the three names were being picked out of the Goblet of Fire. We sat in the great hall, all eager to see who was getting picked. We all had to eat first, so many people were getting impatient.

"The Goblet is ready to make the decision." Dumbledore shouted, making all the students silent.

"The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice "Viktor Krum!"

A storm of applause and cheering swept the hall as he rose.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore "Fleur Delacour"

The other girls from Beauxbatons looked disappointed it wasn't them, some girls even cried!

"The Hogwarts champion is," Dumbledore called, "Cedric Diggory!"

The uproar from the tables was great! Surprisingly Malfoy didn't say anything about Cedric being my bloody boyfriend.

Dumbledore was about to speak again but suddenly the Goblet of Fire turned red again. Another name was shot out. I looked over at Malfoy who looked as curious as the rest. Dumbledore grabbed the piece of parchment, and studied it before reading out the name.

"Harry Potter"

Everyone was in shock and shouting things about how he wasn't even seventeen.

"Of course Potter would put his name in, he loves the attention!" Malfoy said in my ear so I could hear over the loud shouting of everyone else.

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