Part 37

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We stop in the Slytherin common room for now, we can't go out right now! People will try to kill us, thinking we're death eaters. Blaise has gone to spread the word that we're not, but technically we are...

"Why did you keep grabbing my arse?" I laughed to Draco.

He glared at me, his blonde hair looked white, with the amount of soot on his face from the fire.

"I didn't grab your arse! We almost died and that's the thing you ask me? I was making sure you didn't fall!" Draco shouted.

"I think it was an excuse to grab my arse." I smirked. "Twice."

Draco laughed and shook his head, making his way over to me.
He wrapped his hands around me tight, I buried my head in his chest, while he buried his in my hair.

"I need to ask and tell you this now, because who knows if we'll die." Draco sighed.

He held my arms and looked down at me, straight into my eyes.

"Listen Y/N I've loved you-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his.

"I don't do sappy stuff." I laughed, passionately kissing him again.

He smiled against my lips.

"Will you be my girlfriend then?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course Draco." I smiled and wrap him in a big hug.

We decided to go help, running through the corridors when I see a certain someone...

"Oliver!" I shout and run to him.

He runs towards me and hugs me, we stay for a few seconds, before we both pull away.
He strokes my hair out of my face.

"Don't get yourself killed, okay?" He says, his eyes filled with tears.

"Only if you don't." I smile, wiping the tears from my own eyes.

As Oliver runs in the opposite direction I turn back to look at Draco, who's glaring right at me.

"Jealous lover boy?" I ask as I walk over to him. "Draco, you know I love you right?" I say kissing him.

I feel him relax, and kiss me back.

Spells are being casted back and forth everywhere, me and Draco try to lay low, killing the odd death eater stealthy.

Suddenly we heard his voice... Voldemort's.

"You've fought valiantly, but in vain... I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat... In their absence, dispose your dead with dignity, Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forrest... and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

The death eaters came to a sudden halt, while everyone else had their hands on their heads, I'm assuming it was painful, when Voldemort spoke.
I locked eyes with Draco

"Your parents are probably in the dark forest with Voldemort." I say.

We lay low in the castle for ages, people are collecting the dead bodies to bury, it's not a nice sight to see, so many people I know. I don't think anyone I was truly close with had died thought, so I could still be with all the Weasleys and Luna, and Neville and of course the golden trio once this was over.

Me and Draco, follow behind everyone outside the castle.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouts.

"No! No!" Ginny screams and runs towards Voldemort but Arthur holds her back.

The crowd gasps and I grip tightly onto Draco's hand.

"Silence! Stupid girl! Harry dead From this day forth you'll put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead! And now it's the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us...
or die!" Voldemort announces.

Everyone is silent as he searches the crowd.

"Y/N. My dear daughter, Y/N" Voldemort says.

Everyone turns to look at me, including Draco. I grip his hand tighter.

"I'd rather die than join you, father. Heh you never acted liked my father." I spat.

This was the end Voldemort was about to kill me right now, just like what he did to his mother. I closed my eyes tight, waiting for it. But it never came.

"Draco!" Lucius called.

Everyone adverted their gazed from Voldemort, back to Draco.

"Draco." His father whispered in desperation.

Draco looked around, he looked like he was actually going to cry, his eyes filled with tears.
I squeezed his hand tight.

"Draco. Come." Narcissa calmly said.

Draco slipped his hand out of mine. I instantly grabbed his wrist, tears now falling down my face.

"Draco! Don't! Please." I cried.

My grip was so tight on his wrist, I could tell it was hurting him, it was even hurting my hand, I looked him in the eyes, my vision blurry from tears.

"Please, don't. I love you." I whispered.

"She thinks she loves the boy!" Voldemort laughed, the other death eaters joined in, except Lucius and Narcissa.

"Draco! I do love you, please don't join them." I cried.

Both of my hands were now gripped tightly around his wrist, and he finally joined by my side again, the odd tear, gently streaming down his face.

We watched as Narcissa turned to leave, Lucius following behind her. They just came to make sure their boy was safe, they didn't want to fight. I was glad they were leaving, so they couldn't be killed.

Neville steps up, he begins to a give a speech but I didn't hear any of it, I was too focused on making sure Draco was alright. I whispered sweet nothings to him, as I hugged him tightly when suddenly everyone was gasping again.

Harry had dropped from Hagrid's arms, he was alive! Draco begins to run down the stairs, and I follow after, still holding his hand.
He yanks his hand off mine.

"Potter!" He shouts, passing Harry his wand.

He joins my side again, taking my hand.

"Confringo!" Harry shouts, casting the spell at Nagini, it bounces off and hits a bunch of death eaters.

Harry runs back inside the castle, where the fight begins again.

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