Part 28

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We were finally off for Christmas. I led in my bed staring at the ceiling, I was bored and needed something to distract myself, I hate this. I decided I'd have a shower, but then I hated seeing it... the bloody dark mark. After a few minutes of thinking I finally decided to have a shower. I undressed in my room, walking straight into my en-suite, I had a nice hot shower, not looking at my arm at all, I had to ignore it, didn't want to think about it. After about a 45 minute shower, I stepped out wrapping my towel around my body. I opened the door back to my bedroom.

"What are you doing here!?" I shouted taken back by seeing Draco sat on my bed.

He was looking at my body and I could see him quickly avert his eyes away.

"I'm staying here for Christmas. I was meant to be staying at Pansy's but my father said I should stay here instead." Draco said seeming bored.

"Pansy's?" I asked.

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend." Draco said.

I froze. I felt my heart literally shatter.

"Ohh." I said.

I walked over to my wardrobe so I had my back to Draco, I couldn't believe it. Pansy was his girlfriend, how long has this been going on? Did he cheat on her with me or something.

"Since when?" I asked, my back still to him.

"Quite recent, but the feelings have been there a while." He answered.

I felt my eyes become watery.

"Right, can you get out now so I can get dressed!" I shouted.

Draco dragged himself out and I instantly broke down. I sat on my bed in my towel still and began to cry, I couldn't believe him, so I was right, the whole time I was with him he was definitely thinking of her. I didn't want him to stay here this Christmas why can't he go to bloody Pansy's.

"Are you dressed yet?" Draco called from behind the door.

"Go to the room, you'll be sleeping in, you don't have to be with me in here!" I spat, trying not to sound like I was crying.

"No, I'll be bored in there by myself." Draco whined.

"Fuck off Malfoy!" I shouted.

It went silent and I heard him sigh, and walk away. I picked out some black pants and black hoodie and slipped them both on, I led back down on my bed when my mum opened my door.

"Y/N! Don't be rude to Draco! You're becoming so rude lately." She shouted.

Draco was stood behind her, she walked away leaving him looking at me. He stood there awkwardly, just staring at me.

"What!?" I snapped.

"What's wrong with you?" Draco shouted, walking into my room, closing my door behind him. "Have you been crying?"

"No! Just from the shower!" I sighed.

It was a long Christmas, I had to act normally around Draco though, but it wasn't normal. I wrote to Hermione and told her everything, she said she couldn't believe him.

Back at school, I had managed to avoid Draco so far. I get dirty looks off Harry, as I join him and Hermione.

"Excuse me, I have to go and vomit." Hermione said as we saw Ron and Lavender together.

"I'll come with." I said and we walked away together.

We also saw Pansy and Draco stood together talking.

"Y/N!" Draco called my name.

"Keep walking." I whispered to Hermione as we began to speed up and ignore him.

"I can't believe he's with Pansy!" Hermione said.

"Now I know exactly how you feel with Ron now." I sighed.

"You should make Draco jealous." Smirked Hermione.

"Jealous... how?" I thought for a moment. "Blaise! But I don't want to use him so I'll speak to him about it, and maybe we can come up with a plan." I smirked.

"Of course!" Hermione smiled. "Let's do it now!"

Me and Hermione explained our plan to Blaise who agreed with our plan.

"Y/N!" I heard Draco call.

"Y/N!" Blaise also called.

Blaise wrapped his hands around my waist and we pretended to kiss, as I had my back to Draco it looked like we actually kissed to him.

We heard footsteps stomp away, it was Draco, we laughed, and pulled away.

"Thanks Blaise!" I laughed.

Hermione came and met me once Blaise had left. I told her it worked!

"You know Ron will come to his senses, right?" I smiled to her.

Me, Hermione and Harry were visiting Ron as he had been poisoned by a love potion or something. Hermione sat at his side while me and Harry stood at the end of his bed with teachers behind us.

"Where is he? Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me? What's she doing here?" Lavender shouted, as she ran in.

"I might ask you the same question." Hermione said back.

We all awkwardly watched as they argued, but Ron suddenly started saying Hermione's name.
I laughed at Lavender, but hid it with my hand. She ran out and Hermione took Ron's hand. I winked at Hermione before I left.

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