Part 16

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I saved a space for Oliver on the train, but Malfoy sat down next me. Before I could tell him to leave, Oliver came and sat down opposite me, last year was Oliver's last year at Hogwarts, so I wasn't really sure why he was still coming, but he asked me to save a space for him on the train.

"Oliver!" I smiled as he sat down, but he didn't return the smile.

"Y/N, I think we shouldn't see each other anymore.." He said looking a little sad.

"W- what?" I couldn't believe it, I bet this is Malfoy's doing.

Oliver used the fact he wouldn't be attending Hogwarts anymore as an excuse, but I know it's defiantly something to do with Voldemort and Draco. I felt my eyes tearing up again, as Oliver walked away, and Draco was silent next to me. I didn't want to cry in front of him, not again. I take a deep breath and hold in the tears.

I dragged myself along behind Draco once we got off the train, I spotted Harry, Hermione and Ron in front of us.

"I'm surprised the ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter, you better enjoy it while you can, I expect there is a cell in Azkaban with your name on it" Draco teased Harry.

Harry went to go for Draco, but Hermione and Ron pulled him back.

"What did I tell you, complete nutter!" Draco spat as we began to walk away.

I didn't have the energy to tell Draco to stop, he's not my responsibility anyways.

"Y/N?" Hermione called.

I looked back and gave them a weak smile, I'd tell them about it later.

I sat down at the feast with Draco, I didn't eat much, I felt more tired than hungry. Draco would put food on my plate and whisper to me that I should eat, but I just shook my head. Once we had finished eating Dumbledore was announcing new staff at the school, we had a new dark arts teacher, again. She was called Professor Umbridge, she was a short lady, dressed all in pink. She interrupted Dumbledore and began to chat a bunch of shit, I wasn't listening and everyone, including the other teachers looked bored.

After we all slowly clapped for this woman, I went to sit at the Gryffindor table before first lesson, so I could see Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Hermione asked.

"yeah, you looked terrible earlier." Ron added.

"Thanks Ron." I laughed.

I explained to them what happened with Oliver, Hermione hugged me and told me it would all be alright.

"I bet Malfoy, scared him off, he's literally staring at you right now." Ron said.

We all turned to look at Draco, matter of fact he was staring at me. I explained, that, that's just Draco being Draco. Just now realising, Harry wasn't looking too happy at me, and I can understand why but I thought he believed me when I said I have nothing to do with Voldemort.

"You alright Harry?" I asked.

He hummed in response, and now Hermione and Ron had caught on to that Harry was annoyed at me or something.

"Harry! You know Y/N isn't involved with you know who!" Hermione informed.

But it was obvious Harry still had doubts about me, and so did many of the other students that weren't in Slytherin

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