Part 12

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I ran back down to the hall and saw Hermione, Ron and Harry all sat on the side, so I joined them.

"You alright Y/N, you look like you've just seen a ghost!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Draco kissed me." I blurted.

The three turned to look at me in shock.

"Speak of the devil." Harry said and lightly pointed at Draco who had just re entered.

"Shit shit shit shit, quick, what do I do? He kissed me, I kissed back then I ran, I'm supposed to be here with Oliver!" I said so fast I wasn't sure they got what I said.

"Y/N?" Oliver and Draco said to me both at the same time as they stood in front of me.

"Got yourself in a bit of a pickle Y/N" Ron whispered to me but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Listen, I'm tired I think I'm gonna call it a night." I smiled as I stood up.

I kissed Oliver, on the lips, he actually kissed back to my surprise and made my way to the common room. Little did I know Draco would be following.

"Ughh" I sighed as I flopped down on the sofa. My heels had been in my hand this entire time, so I dropped them to the floor.

"Why did you run away?" I heard Draco ask and his voice made me jump.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath and began to run upstairs, I opened what I thought was my room but looked a lot different. Me being dumb had ran into the boys dorm! I was in the room same side as mine!

"What... why did you run to my room!?" Draco asked, walking in.

Shit of course, of course I had to run into Draco's bloody room.

"Uh I thought this was the girls and your room happens to be the same place mine is." I awkwardly said.

"Why did you run then, after we yknow...?" Draco asked awkwardly.

"I- I don't know!" I quietly said. "Can I go now?"

Draco looked at me dead in the eye, he made me feel small.

"No, not until you tell me why ran?" Said Draco, standing his ground.

After many attempts of trying to be civil with Draco and simply tell him I didn't know, hoping he would get bored and let me go, I began shouting.

"I'm not gonna let you decide when I leave!" I scoffed as I began heading for the door which was guarded by him.

He didn't put up much of a fight... well he didn't put up any of a fight. I thought he would grab and tell me no, but he just moved aside, letting me leave.
There were a few of the Slytherin boys in the corridors and of course they had to make a fuss when they saw me leave Draco's room.

"Ooooo." They all teased.

I just rolled my eyes and pushed past them. Heading back to the girls dorms.

Straight to Hermione is where I went, she was in the library and I wanted to tell her more about what happened, and wanted to know if Oliver had said anything after I left.
I slumped down next to her on a chair, she looked at me and instantly put the book down.

"What happened? He obviously followed you up!" She asked, referring to Draco.

"My dumb arse went into the boys dorm, and his room is in the same place mine is -but in the girls obviously- and then he's asking me why I ran away after we kissed and I keep saying I don't know. Then I shouted I wanna leave and he let me leave, I mean he wasn't ever really stopping me from leaving though." I ranted.

"Why did you run?" asked Hermione.

I thought for a moment, why did I run? I enjoyed the kiss, I mean I even kissed back and oh shit do I like like Draco Malfoy?

"Uhh because it's Draco Malfoy? I can't like him! Besides I was at the ball with Oliver." I hoped the bit about Oliver would be enough of an excuse.

"Do you like Oliver?" Hermione asked, seeming more intrigued.

"I mean he's good-looking, and y'know fun to be around and all, but I think I see him how I see Cedric."

Someone swinging the door open way too hard caught us all off guard, me and Hermione both looked at the door and in swaggered Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and a few other Slytherin boys. What are they doing here?
As soon as they saw me it got worse.

"Saw you leaving Draco's room last night Y/N!" One of the boys teased, causing the others -including Draco- to laugh.

Why was Draco laughing he knew we didn't do what they thought we did. I bet he's boasting to all the boys saying he slept with me.

"Aw that's sad Draco, you're so alone you have to lie to everyone saying me and you are a thing." I laughed in his face.

His face dropped from laughing into an angry face, his signature angry face. He must've been thinking of a comeback like usual.

"Oh yeah? You were the one who kissed me back, and definitely enjoyed it." He smirked and the others laughed.

"Draco, I said I hated you, which I meant, then you kissed me first." I spat, pushing past him and the boys to leave.

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