Part 20

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"Hurry up Y/N!" My mum said bursting into my room.

I looked at her confused, she was fully dressed up while I was in my pyjamas still.

"What? Where are we going?" I asked.

"We were meant to be there 5 minutes ago! Get dressed!" And with that she slammed my bedroom door.

I dragged myself out of my bed, and put on a casual black dress, over it I wrapped myself up warm as it was winter.
I heard my mum shouting at me to hurry up from downstairs.

We arrived outside the Malfoy Manor.

"What are we doing here?" I asked my mum before she knocked the door.

"We're staying at the Malfoys for Christmas! And I know you like their son, Draco." My mum smiled.

"Mum!" I shouted in embarrassment.

My mum turned around to greet Narcissa and Draco who had heard the end of that conversation. Now I felt even more embarrassed.

Narcissa pulled me in for a hug, which was weird because my mum never hugged me.
I shook Lucius' hand, and Draco walked over to me.

"Hello, Miss Riddle." Draco said acting formal, he took my hand and kissed it.

"Dr- uh Mr Malfoy." I awkwardly smiled.

I just found out I'm staying over Draco's for Christmas, he heard my mum say I like him and I'm still thinking about what happened at the astronomy tower! I felt really awkward.

"Draco, why don't you show Y/N to her room." Narcissa smiled at Draco, putting her hand on his shoulder.

I followed Draco up the stairs in silence.

"In here." Draco smirked.

He opened the door to quite a big bedroom, a double bed with black bedding, a table with a big mirror, a wardrobe and a full length mirror in the corner.

"What's in there?" I asked Draco, pointing at a door that was in the room.

"That's the ensuite." said Draco, walking into the room. "We can go into my room, if you want and talk before we go to dinner."

"I think I'm gonna relax Draco, I'll come see you before we go down." I smiled.

After Draco had left I decided I'd have shower to freshen up.
I walked into the ensuite, it was almost as big as the bedroom. It had a shower, a circle bath, a sink with loads of counter space and obviously a toilet.
I spent a good 10 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on the bloody shower. Once I did I, left my clothes on the bed and ran back into the bathroom.

I turned off the shower and stepped out carefully to try not slip as that would be pretty embarrassing. I wrapped the warm, black towel around my body.
Speaking of embarrassment. As I walked over to the bed about to take the towel off to get dressed.

"Y/N— woah..." Draco said from the door.

"Draco!!" I practically shrieked, hugging the towel.

My cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Draco was staring at me.

"Gooo!" I nervously laughed, and with that he did.

I couldn't believe that had just happened, why do I keep embarrassing myself! I quickly got dressed as I knew I had to go to dinner in 10 minutes, and I was going to see Draco before we go down, it's probably going to be awkward.

I knocked on Draco's door and he invited me in.

"At least one of us knocks!" I laughed, closing the door behind me.

"I'm sorry!" Draco smirked. "Hey I have something for you."

I sat down on his bed while he walked over to his desk. He came back over to the bed and sat next to me. I looked at the black box in his veiny hands. He handed it to me.
I opened it up to reveal a sliver necklace with a charm of a snake and a rose. I loved it!

"Put it on me!" I smiled, turning around so Draco could put the necklace on me.

I felt his cold hands against my neck, it made me shiver.

"Thank you Draco, I love it!" I smiled looking down at the necklace.

"I was going to give it to you at the Yule Ball, but you went with Wood." Draco said.

I smiled and pulled Draco into a tight hug, taking in his scent, he smelt like apples and peppermint, and obviously his signature cologne. I kissed his lips as another way to say thank you, but before it got too heated we were called down for dinner.

After dinner I felt really tired, I undressed, deciding to sleep in my underwear. Just as I had gotten comfy in bed, I noticed my door open.

"Y/N!" Draco whispered from the door.

He was still fully dressed in his suit which was weird, was he going somewhere? I turned to look at him in response.

"Come in my room a sec, I need to show you something." Draco whispered again.

I dragged myself out of bed, keeping myself wrapped in the duvet, this better be worth it. I followed Draco to his room, which was right next to him. He closed his door behind him and began to take his blazer off.
I stood awkwardly in the middle of his room watching him, but I was also very confused.

"Why did you bring your duvet?" He asked.

"What did you want to show me?" I whispered, avoiding his question.

"Nothing, just would you rather sleep in there by yourself or in here with me?" Draco whispered back.

I instantly blushed at the fact he wanted me to sleep with him. He pointed over to his bed, as a cue for me to get in it.
I got into his bed, removing the duvet from my bed from around my body and tossing it to the floor. I looked back over at Draco who was undressing, he stripped to only his boxers.

"Take a picture, if you must." He smirked as he walked over to his bed.

I felt a little embarrassed he had caught me staring at him, but he was staring at me when I came out the shower! He climbed in bed next to me, and we instantly turned to face each other. He pulled me closer to him, the feel of his hand on my bare back gave me goose bumps. I rested my leg on his and cwtched into his bare chest, his chin resting on my head.

"What happened on the last day with you and Draco!?" Hermione asked, sitting down opposite me on the train.

"Bloody hell, you scared the shit out of me." I nervously laughed.

Ron followed after Hermione and Harry did, all now looking at me for answers.

"We only kissed." I laughed.

"Only kissed? You both came into the class half undressed." Ron exaggerated.

I explained to them that we were interrupted by Filch, but Harry didn't look very happy, not that he was jealous or anything, obviously him and Draco didn't get along at all so, why would he care?

At breakfast it was going around in the newspaper that Bellatrix Lestrange has escaped from Azkaban, Neville looked the most scared. I heard something happened between her and his parents so that's probably why.

"You've got a new necklace." Luna pointed out.

Everyone looked at the necklace, and I looked over at Draco, smiling.

"It's from Draco, isn't it?" Hermione smirked.

I just blushed, was it that obvious.

"So what's going on between you as Malfoy then?" asked Ron, his mouth full of food.

"I don't know... I think we're just friends, we do argue a lot, I don't think he actually likes me." I frowned, thinking about how he could be using me.

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