Part 3

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I sat in the common room, waiting for Malfoy. I saw all the other students go to breakfast and I kept an eye out for the blonde boy.
His friends walked past without him. I caught up to them and tapped one on the shoulder.

"Where's Malfoy?" I asked now walking next to them.

"Oh he's in his dorm resting his arm." One said.
Next to the other one was a girl, she was sending daggers my way, staring at me.

"You alright love?" I leaned forward slightly to look at her.

She scoffed and walked ahead.

"Who's she?" I whispered to the boy next to me.

"Pansy Parkinson." He whispered back.

I watched her as she stormed ahead into the great hall.

Crabbe and Goyle were the two boys names, I sat with them while eating breakfast. I wondered if I would see Malfoy today.
I sat in silence, listening to everyone's conversations. After eating my breakfast, which only consisted of a green apple -I wasn't that hungry- I studied my timetable again. I had double potions first.

I was last walking into the potions class. The tables were in twos. I sat by myself at the back a spare seat next to me. Professor Snape watched me as the class settled down. Obviously knows who I am.

Halfway through the lesson the doors swung open and Malfoy swaggered in. Everyone looking at the bandages on his arm.

"How is it Draco?" Pansy simpered. "Does it hurt much?"

Everyone turned to look at her, would've thought she'd say it to him personally not aloud to the class.

"It comes and it goes. I consider myself lucky, if it weren't for Madame Pomfrey another minute or two and I could've lost my arm." He replied to her.

I scoffed and shook my head, it was obvious he was reacting, and this Pansy is head over heels for him. Malfoy looked towards me, as the seat next to me was the only free.

"Got to reassure your girlfriend Malfoy?" I mocked him.

"Shut up Riddle, she's not my girlfriend." He said sitting down next to me.

"I waited for you in the common room this morning." I said turning to look at him. I watched what he was doing, he was grabbing his books and all with only one hand.

I rolled my eyes getting a little frustrated at him for not answering me and watching him struggle. He just looked at me confused.

I helped Malfoy make his potion, well I say helped I bloody did it for him. While he sat back and watched.

"Hey, Harry, have you heard? Daily Propbet this morning. They reckon Sirius Black has been sighted." I overheard Finnigan -I think- say to Harry.

Me and Malfoy both looked up and listened closely.

Apparently Sirius was sighted not too far from here. Suddenly Ron turned around and saw us staring but I quickly looked down back at our potions.

"What Malfoy?" Ron asked.

I didn't bother look up. I kept making the potions but was 100% listening in.

I glanced over at Malfoy, he was leant across the table with his eyes fixed on Harry.

"Thinking of trying to catch Black single-handed Potter?"

"Yeah, that's right." Said Harry offhandedly.

I rolled my eyes, why do they bother arguing with each other all the time. Honestly, they're like an old married couple.

Malfoy began taunted Harry, saying what sounded like a riddle about Sirius to him, just making him confused.

"Right are you gonna stop arguing with him and help me with this or am going to have to break your other arm." I snapped at Malfoy, grabbing his okay arm, making him face me.

"Better listen to your girlfriend, Malfoy." Finnigan laughed.

I gave him a bored look, not trying to be too fazed by it.

Malfoy on the other hand...

"She's not my girlfriend! Why would I date her!" He spat looking me up and down.

Ouch... why did that hurt me?

I pushed the thought to the back of mind.

Once Snape dismissed the class, I packed up my things before packing Malfoy's up for him.
We silently walked to lunch together, well I was silent, he was laughing with Crabbe and Goyle.

"You're quiet, Riddle." Malfoy said as we were sat down eating. Their eyes all turned to me.

"I'm just trying to eat." I said taking another bite so I had an excuse not to say more. In all honesty, what Malfoy said in potions was on my mind. Why though? Did he mean it?

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