Part 2

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I tightened my black dressing gown around me, I really should've brought warmer pyjamas, not bloody shorts. The cold breeze hit my bare legs hard.

I didn't come here to meet Malfoy, I came here to think. I suddenly feel a presence behind me.

"Ah you finally decided to show Malfoy." I said not turning around, I assumed it was him, it better be or I'll be pretty embarrassing for me.

"I didn't know you'd be here." I heard his cold voice.

I silently sighed in relief, I'm glad it was him, not because I want him here or anything but once again if I had called someone else Malfoy it would be embarrassing.

"I did invite you." I said walking closer to him.

I looked at the cast on his arm and mentally shook my head thinking about the events from earlier. It was obviously he's jealous of Harry, and managed to get himself hurt because of it. I wasn't going to mention it, I didn't want to give him the attention he wanted. Anyways it was obvious he was over reacting, again for attention.

I was inches away from him again, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine.

"I just needed someone..." I said and looked at his lips, toying with him.

I could hear his heart beat loud, I loved this!!

" practice the curses on." I smirked, pointing my wand to his neck. He began quivering.

I held it for a few seconds.

"I'm joking, I'm not my father." I laughed backing away and put my wand away.

Malfoy staggered also backing away trying to compose himself.

"What is wrong with you, you egotistical, psycho bitch!" He shouted at me.

"You literally have the biggest ego in this school! You're just like your father." I laughed as I protested.

"You're just like yours!" Malfoy said giving me a disgusted look.

"Then clearly Malfoy, you're just like me." I smirked as I walked past him.

I began heading down the stairs, his eyes following me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, you can show me around this school." I called, continuing on downstairs.

As I tiredly walked back into my dorm, my mind wandered to my mum. I'm not going to write to her, frankly I don't wanna talk to her at all, I don't know what I'm going to do over Christmas.

Draco's POV

My father is going to kill me if he hears what I've said to her... but she was rude to me, she held her bloody wand to my neck! I already hate her... she can't tell her father what I said can she? She's not secretly in contact with him or anything surely. I need to get on her good side, but she's gonna have to lose the ego, I can't have her making me look weak and stupid all the time. I don't want to have an awkward walk back to the common room with her, so I'm stood here like a lemon, waiting.

Maybe I should write to father and tell him she's here, no what if he asks if I'm friends with her, what will I say? Yes? I'm working on it? Maybe I'll just say I saw her... no he'll be disappointed in me that I didn't say anything to her. Yes! I can say I'm showing her around the school tomorrow. I don't want to, ugh it's another relationship I have to force to please my father.

I began to make my way back to my dorm, I think I was stood there for longer than I needed. I walked the silent corridors thinking of Y/N, her smug face, she thinks she's better than everyone else just because of her father, heh she does even bloody see him.

As soon as I got back in my dorm I began to write to my father.

Dear Father,

Y/N Riddle has joined Hogwarts. Yes, his daughter. She's in my year and my classes. I didn't really get chance to speak to her today but I saw her. I'm showing her around the school tomorrow.


I didn't really know what else to say to my father... we never really spoke how you would expect father and son to speak.

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