Part 27

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Gryffindor won the quidditch game, Ron did really well! I heard all the Gryffindors were celebrating in their common room, while the Slytherins were upset about it obviously and scolded the Gryffindors.
I wandered to corridors, I was on my way to the astronomy tower when I heard crying.

"Hermione?" I said noticing her sat on the stairs, crying. "What's wrong?"

I took a seat on the step next to her and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her in close.

"You're lucky, Draco actually acknowledges you." She sniffed.

I looked at her confused, it took me a moment to realise what she meant.

"OHH!" I shouted a little loud. "Me and Draco aren't even together... I don't think he actually likes me."

"Y/N, please, he definitely likes you!" Laughed Hermione, lightly.

"You mean his father wants him to like me!" I

"I'm always there for Ron and this Lavender comes along and he's all over her." Hermione sighed.

"I'll hex her for you." I smiled.

Hermione laughed at my comment.

"I think I like Draco though, but I think he's actually interested in Pansy but his father wants him close with me... shit... I literally get jealous when Pansy talks to him." I admitted.

Suddenly Harry came down the stairs and stopped when he saw me.

"Oh don't worry I was just leaving." I spat.

Then Ron and Lavender came from the other direction.

"Oh god Ron! What is that!?" I shouted and pointed at Lavender.

I fake gagged and looked back Hermione who was hiding a laugh with her hand.

"Bloody hell." I said pushing in between Ron and Lavender, making sure I shoved her more than Ron.

I kept walking up towards the astronomy tower, once I reached the top of the stairs I saw a familiar figure looking over the edge.

I silently walked over next to him, also looking out at the view.

"You almost got me a detention!" Draco said.

I turned to look at him confused.

"Snape saw my neck, and gave me a dirty look, I'm surprised he didn't." Draco smirked.

I went red with embarrassment, Snape obviously knew it was me and that's just awkward.

"How do you hide it?" Draco said looking at me seriously.

"I wear a long sleeve?" I say obviously, thinking he's talking about the dark mark.

"No, the fact we have to do, y'know..." He sighed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "you just need distractions."

"Speaking of which, at the Christmas party, you wait for me there and I'll go to the room of requirement." Draco said.

"But then I'll be left at the party alone, by myself, vulnerable." I pouted.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Do as I say." He said sternly.

"Well if some boys flirt with me there and when you come back and you don't find me, you know where I am." I rolled my eyes and began to walk away but Draco grabbed my wrist.

"You won't flirt with any other boy there, and you'll wait there for me." Draco said pulling me really close to him.

I turned away, not to look at him, but he moved his hand up to my face and pulled my face towards his. I stared at him, trying not to laugh. But thankfully he kissed me, so I didn't have to hide it. I smiled in the kiss, as I kissed him back.

I stood awkwardly at the party, I was wearing a short black dress, which maybe wasn't a good idea as it was attracting some unwanted attention.

"I can wear whatever I want thank you! The length of my dress doesn't determine whether I want to have sex with you or not!" I spat at some low life boy.

"You alright Y/N?" Blaise asked.

"I'm okay thanks." I smiled.

I kept my eyes on the door though, waiting for Draco to come in. I know I probably looked a little suspicious but whenever anyone asked I said I was waiting for my date. I would've hung out with Hermione but she seemed to be Harry a lot and I didn't fancy going near him.

Everyone went silent when Filch came in holding Draco.

"Get your hands off me, you filthy Squibb!" I heard Draco.

I instantly ran over to them.

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Filch said.

"Yes! He's my date! I said I'd meet him upstairs, he must've been looking for me." I spat at Filch.

"A word." Professor Snape said to Draco.

I rolled my eyes and sighed aloud. "Are you kidding me!" I scoffed.

Back to waiting for him.

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