Part 15

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"We're going to the Malfoy Manor." My mum announced.

Out of every place we could go, why there? I asked why and my mum explained she needed support or something and as she is close with the Malfoys now apparently. Of course my mum made me dress up nice, I wore a short, black pencil dress with my doc martens that I practically lived in.

The Malfoy manor looked about the same size as mine, I awkwardly stood outside when Lucius opened the door.

"Ah Mrs. Riddle, and Miss. Riddle." he turned to look at me. "Draco has been waiting for you, go straight up to his room, third on the left."

As we entered I went straight up the stairs, while my mum followed Lucius. I opened his door swiftly causing Draco to jump up from his bed.

"Y/N, What are you doing here?" said Draco, who was trying compose himself.

"I don't know, my mother is talking with your father or something, anyways your father said you were waiting for me?" I said slouching down on to his bed.

He watched my every move, he looked so confused.

"I- I didn't even know you were coming here!" Draco exclaimed, now towering over me.

I looked up at him through my eyelashes, I was now also confused. We both sat next to each other on his bed in awkward silence, I stroked my wand in my hand.

"Planning on cursing me Y/N?" Draco chuckled, and pointed at my wand.

"I'm always thinking about cursing you, Draco, just have to decide which one." I smirked.

"Do you think about Cedric?" Draco asked, like it was nothing.

"Of course!" I replied, confused why he asked such an obvious question.

"Of course you do, your father killed the love of your life." mumbled Draco.

It was loud enough for me to hear, I looked over at him and he was smirking,  I knew he loved to annoy me but why was he bringing up Cedric and my dad?

"What?" I spat at him, through gritted teeth.

"Oliver must be happy now, got Cedric out of the picture." Laughed Draco.

I couldn't believe what he was saying. Tears began to form in my eyes.

"Fuck you, Malfoy!" I cried before storming out his room, he followed after me, out of the manor.

I'm surprised our parents didn't hear the commotion or see us both leave.

"Stop following me Malfoy!" I choked, wiping the tears from my face.

I didn't want to seem weak in front of him but how could he say that shit about Cedric, I bet Malfoy went around telling everyone I have something to do with Cedric's death, I bet he's telling everyone that I work for the dark lord, maybe Malfoy's been telling people that any boy I get close with gets killed by Voldemort. He better not be telling Oliver any of these lies, it's like he doesn't want me to bother with any other boy, than him, that would make sense as to why Malfoy is scaring boys away from me, with Voldemort.

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