Part 38

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"We'll go straight back to your parents after this, I promise." I smiled, kissing Draco.

He kissed back and nodded in response.

The great hall is filled with people fighting, Hermione, Ron and Harry are no where to be seen. But I notice Neville led on the floor.

"Neville! Neville!" I gently shake him and he regains his conscious.

He sits up and instantly spots the sword of Gryffindor, I know what he's going to do and let him get on with it.

Me and Draco, quickly turn to see Bellatrix, stood on the table, casting a spell at Ginny.

"Not my daughter you bitch!" Molly shouts.

We watched as they began to duel.

"What will happen to your children when I've killed you?" Bellatrix taunted. "When Mummy's gone the same way as Freddie?"

Molly's curse soared beneath Bellatrix's outstretched arm and hit her squarely in the chest, directly over her heart.
Bellatrix's gloating smile froze, her eyes seemed to bulge: for the tiniest space of time she knew what had happened, and then she toppled, and the watching crowd roared.

Me and Draco ran over to the Weasleys, I gave Ginny a hug. My eyes roamed each and every one of them, I knew Ron was with Hermione, but someone else was missing?

"Where's Fred?" I asked, smiling.

That smile soon faded as their faces also dropped.

"No!" I screamed.

Tears ran down my face at a fast pace.
George caught me in his arms, he was a lot taller than me, so engulfed me in a massive hug. I cried, hard into his chest, while he rubbed my back. After a few minutes of silence, we both pulled away and I turned to look at Draco. He was also frowning about the news, he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head.

Voldemort was dead.

Harry walked back in and everyone cheered from, before the room when back to peacefully chatter as people celebrated and mourned the deaths of those who died.

I was sat with Draco, peacefully, we were going to go back to the Malfoy Manor once we had seen everyone.

"You didn't die then."

I looked up to see Oliver.

"Oliver!" I jumped up and gave him a big hug.

"You'll have to come watch me play quidditch, I'll always invite you and Draco for best seats." He smiled.

"I can't wait." I smiled.

Once Oliver had gone I sat back down next to Draco and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You know Draco, we never did get your wand back did we." I chuckled.

As if on cue, Harry, Ron and Hermione looked down at us and smiled. Me and Draco both stood up and I hugged the three of them.

The five of us began to walk quietly along the bridge, which was broken quite a bit.

"Why did it work for him?" Hermione asked. "The elder wand."

"It answers to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his.
But the thing is... The wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy tower. From that moment on, the wand answered him. Until, the other night when I disarmed Draco. At Malfoy Manor."

We looked over at Draco who was shocked that the elder wand was his for a while.

"So that means.." Ron began.

"It's mine." Harry finished.

"That also means, that Voldemort, would've killed you, Draco, instead of Snape. If you had killed Dumbledore." I said looking at Draco in disbelief.

"What should we do with it?" Ron asked.

"We!?" Hermione quickly turned to face Ron.

"Just saying, that's the Elder Wand. The most powerful wand in the world. With that, he'll be invincible." Said Ron.

We all turn from Ron to look back at Harry, waiting for an answer.

All is silent as we watch Harry snap the wand in half and throw it over the edge of the bridge.
Hermione takes Harry's hand, Ron follows and takes hers. While I take Harry's other and Draco is still holding my other. We stand in a line, all holding hands, watching the already risen sun. We stand in silence for a while. When it crosses my mind that Narcissa and Lucius don't know whether their son is dead or alive.
I let go of Harry's hand.

"We must go to the Malfoy Manor, Narcissa and Lucius will want to know Draco is still alive." I say, not sure whether I'm telling Draco or Harry and the rest.

"When I was in the forest, Narcissa had to come check to see if I was alive." Harry started. "She asked me if you were alive, Draco. I told her yes, and then she told Voldemort I was dead, knowing I was alive."

I smiled at what Harry said, and so did Draco.

We both said our goodbyes to Harry, Hermione and Ron, me giving them all a hug, and promising to keep in contact. Before me and Draco walked hand in hand, along the bridge to the Malfoy Manor.

Once we were outside Draco stiffened up.

"What if they hate me because I didn't join them?" Draco asked taking both my hands.

"Voldemort's dead, it's all over, they won't be caught up with him anymore." I smiled and kissed him. "Come on, they're probably so worried about you."

We walked inside and instantly Narcissa engulfed Draco in a hug, and to my surprise so did Lucius.
I smiled as I watched this happy family, it even brought tears to my eyes. Lucius looked up at me and gestured for me to come over and join. I happily did, I finally felt the warm embrace from a family.

The end.

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