Part 33

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"Draco! Y/N!" My mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

I met with Draco in the hall who was wearing a full black suit while I was wearing a tank top and running shorts.

"Do you ever wear comfy clothes?" I laughed Draco as we both walked down the stairs.

The laughter stopped when we saw who was down there... it was Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Draco! Is this him?" Bellatrix asked.

I was stood behind Draco, who was stood looking down at Harry who was being held by Bellatrix. Harry had some curse on him, or something, I couldn't identify which it was but it made his face look different.
I was hoping Draco wouldn't throw them under the bus.

"Well?" Bellatrix, asked excitedly.

"I can't be sure." Draco said, he was reluctant.

A small wave of relief washed over me, at least Draco wasn't going to say it was Harry.

"Look closely son..." Lucius whispered grabbing the back of Draco's neck. "If we are the ones who hand Potter to the Dark Lord everything would be forgiven, it would all be as it was understood?"

"He said he can't be sure! You don't have to hurt him!" I shouted to Lucius, holding his arm and removing it from Draco's neck.

He sent me a death glare, which I happily sent back. I wasn't going to take shit from a man.

"You shouldn't speak to your future father in law like that Y/N!" My mother said through gritted teeth.

I was taken back by her comment.

"Now we won't be forgetting who really caught him... I hope Mr Malfoy." Greyback interjected.

"Don't dare to talk to me like that in my own house!" Lucius snapped.

"Lucius!" Narcissa whispered, pulling Lucius away from Draco.

Draco looked back at me and I held his hand, tight, and gave him a small smile.

Bellatrix gently took Draco's hand and walked him closer to Harry.

"Do not be shy, sweetie, come closer! If this isn't who you think it is Draco... and we will call Him, He'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure!" Bellatrix said to Draco.

For the current situation we were in, I was glad Bellatrix wasn't being harsh on Draco about it, like what his father was doing.

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco asked.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix also asked.

"We captured him like that. Something he captured in the forrest I reckon" Greyback shrugged.

"What about you Y/N, is that the Potter boy?" My mother interrupted.

"How would I know? I was with Pansy while I was in Hogwarts and I went there for less time." I rolled my eyes at her.

She glared at me "Y/N, can we talk in the other room for a second."

I sighed and followed her into the dining area.

"Y/N! Stop being so rude and I need you to stop lying and admit that that's Harry Potter!" She whisper- shouted.

"I don't know who that is! Maybe if you actually took interest in me as your daughter, you would know what I got up to in school!" I spat.

We were interrupted by commotion coming from the other room, it was Bellatrix shouting. We walked back into the room which was filled with Hermione's screams as Bellatrix interrogated her.
I gripped Draco's hand tightly as we had to watch this upsetting scene.

"You only think! Expelliarmus." Ron shouted, running up the stairs.

Lucius began to take his wand out but Harry casted Stupefy on him before he could.

Harry and Ron began casting spells at me and Draco, we both only casted blocking spells at them.

"Stop! Drop your wands." We turned to see Bellatrix holding Hermione with a knife at her throat. "I said, drop them!"

Harry and Ron instantly dropped their wands.

"Pick em up, Y/N, now!" Bellatrix said.

I instantly did as she said, I didn't want her to do anything else to Hermione.

"Well well well ... Look who we have here. Its Harry Potter. Whole bright shiny and new, just in time for the Dark Lord." Bellatrix whispered to Hermione. "Call him" everyone turned to look at Draco. "Call him!"

I looked at Draco, and shook my head no, ever so slightly, he looked around at all the people staring at him, this wasn't fair on him, he was put under pressure.
Lucius gave him a dirty look, and pulled up his sleeve.
The whole room was silent, apart from a squeaking sound. We looked up to see Dobby, unscrewing the chandelier.

Bellatrix screamed as she pushed Hermione away from her to move from underneath the falling chandelier. Draco grabbed me and pushed me and himself into the arm chair.
I blushed as he landed on top of me, but his facial expression was different, he looked terrified. Suddenly Harry ran over to us, and snatched the wands out my hands.
Draco held me tight as I felt his heart beating fast against my back. His hands were tightly gripped around my waist, like he was holding on for dear life.

"Stupid elf! You could have kill me?!" Bellatrix screeched at Dobby.

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." defended Dobby.

Bellatrix went to cast a spell at them but Dobby clicked his fingers and her wand was now in his hands.

"How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters?" Bellatrix shouted.

"Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." Dobby said proudly.

As he apparated out with them Bellatrix threw her knife in with them and it did disappear, I just hope none of them got hurt.

I knocked on Draco's door before entering, he was still in his full black suit, sat on his bed.

"Looking very comfortable, Draco." I joked.

He didn't say anything, I could tell he was still shaken up from the events that had happened just before.

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