Chapter 26: Might as Well Skip This Chapter

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A/N: I mean, why not? It's only the Garlic Jr Saga. Not missing much.

In an unknown rainy area, a few individuals known as the Spice Boys were approaching a group of innocent people.

Old Man: no! Please! Leave us alone! We were just renting this house! We never meant to.....

Everyone was killed by the Spice Boys, who all soon bowed down do Garlic Jr.

Garlic Jr's mind: yes! though this rain may wash these fools away, the blood that soon shall flow no storm shall meet the task! I will cover this world in a darkness so thick and chilly, the only rival shall be the hell in which I spent all those years. Brace your bitter selves, you worms, for I, Garlic Jr, shall soon rule you all!!

(I mean, it's the only time we get this intro, so why not)?


Documentary Narrator: In the great lakes near Mount Paozu, there is a breed of Pauzu tuna clinging at life in its saltwater habitat. Fished near to extinction by the inhabitants, they are slowly making headway back to a sustainable population.

Gohan was swimming underwater and punching one fish out of the water, along with three more following suit.

Documentary Narrator: oh, sweet salty Christ, no...

Gohan emerged from the water.

Krillin: hey, Gohan! Goin' fishing?

Gohan: yep! With Dad gone, I'm the breadwinner now! What's with the weird clothes, Krillin?

Krillin was wearing a fancy white suit.

Krillin: ah-ah-ah! My name is no longer Krillin. My new name is Juan Sanchez.

Gohan: I'm compelled to ask why.

Krillin: well, before we left for Namek, I took out a huge life insurance policy on myself, and left it all to my twin brother.

Gohan: but you don't have a tw.... Wait, your last name's Sanchez?

Krillin: and it paid off in triple because I died off-planet! They said, "Don't worry, there's no way you're gonna die out in space!" Showed them!

Gohan: well, I'm still gonna call you Krillin.

Krillin: so, what do you think of my new ride?

He pointed to a red car on top of a hill.

Gohan: eh, it's a nice car, I guess?

Krillin: not what I was referring to.

A slender girl with long blue hair and blue eyes stepped out of the car. This Girl was Maron.

Maron: Juan! I broke a nail. Can I have a thousand dollars?

Krillin: you can have two! Gohan, I am an excellent boyfriend.

Gohan: Krillin, how did you meet this woman?

Krillin: we met at the bank. I was there picking up my life insurance money, and she was there depositing her money from her night job. I think she's a waitress or something, because she was depositing a lot of fives and ones.

Maron: and me and my dear sweety little chestnut fell deeply, truly in love!

Krillin: she says I have a very rich personality...

Maron: and a wealth of knowledge!

Krillin: and her boobs are as big as my head!

Gohan: I had made the comparison.

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