Chapter 29: News From The Future

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A/N: after meeting him, Goka is informed by Trunks of an upcoming android threat in 3 years.

The group looked in shock as they saw that the space empress, Frieza was fully alive and well.

Vegeta: I knew it!

Vegeta yelled out as she charged at Frieza, thinking that she was going to get her. You however took a few steps in the way, causing the saiyan princess to stop herself in mid air.

Vegeta: the hell?!


(Y/N): look, I know this will sound really off, but she's fine for now.

Vegeta: what do you mean fine for now?! That bitch killed me and she'll try doing it again!

(Y/N): trust me, I'm not exactly all fine with it either. But, I've been keeping my eye on her and especially keeping her in line throughout the time we were gone.

Frieza had her arms crossed and simply let out a hmph noise while looking away.

Vegeta: I'm only haft inclined to call bullshit on that. Actually, scratch that, I'm fully inclined to call bullshit on that!

Krillin: Kill Her! Kill Her! Kill Her! Kill Her! Kill Her! Kill Her! Kill Her!

(Y/N): wanna die again?

Krillin soon kept quiet.

Vegeta: are you absolutely positive that you "quote on quote", kept a monster like her in line?

(Y/N): Yes, I've kept her in line.

Frieza started talk under her breath.

Frieza: says you.

(Y/N): what was that?

Frieza glared at You, only for you to glare right back at her. She soon sighed in defeat.

Frieza: nothing.

(Y/N): good.

Vegeta growled a little.

Vegeta: well, I don't give a shit. That bitch killed my entire race and me!

Frieza: oh boo hoo. I'm playing the world's smallest violin.

Vegeta: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

You stood in the way of the two before they could try to attack each other.

(Y/N): calm it. Let's not start a blood bath already. Especially after what you all were possibly going through.

Logan: wasn't really much to be honest.

Vegeta: give me one good fucking reason why I should!

Frieza: I too would like a reason as well. Because this monkey is really starting to irritate me.

You grabbed both Vegeta and Frieza by the necks and move them close to you. As you did this, the young man seemed to have looked a little worried as it went one and was wanting to do something.

(Y/N): because I've been through a lot for the many months and I've just returned home. And just for once, I would like some time without any drama bullshit.

Vegeta: oh wah wah..........

You held down a little tighter at their necks.

(Y/N): let me make one thing clear. I may have gained an attraction to you, there are consequence to pissing off a Legendary Pokemon.

You said while glaring into Vegeta's eyes before doing the same to Frieza.

(Y/N): now let's settle this. You two don't have to like each other. But, unless she tries any bad moves, I choose what happens to Frieza. Understood?

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