Chapter 81: Majin Buu Survived

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A/N: In spite of Vegeta's sacrifice, things only seem to just gradually get worse and worse with each passing moment.

Piccolo and the others continued to watch on as the explosion from Vegeta continued to rage on, with even some tiny bits of rubble flying their way despite them being a far distance from the blast.

Krillin: okay, I was seriously not expecting her to let out a blast THIS big!

Frostwing: we were telling you to hurry up for a reason, you dumbass!

Krillin: well, I thought it was just gonna be something a few feet. Not a couple of meters!

Groudon: it's kinda been exploding for a while now honestly.

Kyogre: you think it's gonna stop any time soon?

Logan: I'd say give it an extra minute or two before it starts dying down.


Inside a capsule crop plane; Bulma, ChiChi, 18, Videl, Puar, Roshi, Yamcha and Ox King were all heading to the direction where You and the others had headed off to earlier.

Videl: and that's basically when I decided; screw it, I better get everyone else for this.

ChiChi: I'm pretty surprised you even managed to keep up with them as long as you did given how energetic those boys tend to be.

Videl: kinda thought I'd lose them after the first mile honestly.

Yamcha: it's good thing Bulma is letting us use this to catch up with them.

Bulma: please just be sure to try and not to crash it.

Yamcha: don't worry. I've got this. I didn't spend only 4 weeks of driving school just for nothing.

Bulma: yeah, yeah. I just want to be alive so I can have a little chat with Vegeta for trying to blast me earlier.

Yamcha: what are you going to do with her once we get there exactly?

Bulma: let's just say that if that bitch was trying to kill me, she should have done better aiming.

Yamcha: speaking of Vegeta blasting you, don't you think that we should get the dragon balls to revive everyone else who did end up getting hit by her.

Bulma: yeah, fine. Whatever. But I need to have a one on one with that bitch first.

Yamcha: but.....

Bulma: no delays!

Yamcha: yes ma'am.

As Yamcha continued to fly the plane, it was suddenly met with multiple yellow shockwaves which were a result of Vegeta's explosive attack. This caused the vehicle to shake around in the sky.

Yamcha: oh god!

18: I knew we shouldn't have agreed to let you drive this thing!

Yamcha: it's not my fault, I swear!

The shockwaves soon stopped after a bit and Yamcha was able to fly the ship normally again.

Videl: okay, so.... What the hell was that just now?!

Bulma: best guess is that it was either Vegeta, Goka or both.

Yamcha: what about (Y/N)?

ChiChi: only way that could have come from him was either if he someone started acting as reckless as them or he's extremely pissed.

Roshi: he looked pretty ill-tempered at the tournament when Vegeta blasted half the tournament and city earlier.

Bulma: still doubt that was him.

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