Chapter 63: Goka's Misadventures in Other World

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A/N: after Bojack's defeat on earth by the hands of Gohan, Goka finds herself heading to some strange places in the Other World.

On a much different looking tournament setting, Goka, in her Super Saiyan form, was standing a few feet away from tall, green skinned humanoid looking warrior with big lips and black spots on his head wearing a blue long sleeved shirt with white gi pants secured with a red sash and brown boots with beige footing. Said warrior was surprised by her form as a few small sweet drops rolled down his head.

???'s mind: what the hell? How is someone as dumb as her have a form like that and keeps getting stronger. It doesn't make sense!

Other World Announcer: what an exciting match! The strange hillbilly looking person was secretly a blonde bimbo this whole time. But, will it do her any good.

The announcer said, with a voice similar to Toad from Mario.

Goka's mind: hm, what's a bimbo? Is it something you use?

She soon shook her head for moment before speaking to what seemed to be the people reading this.

Goka's mind: anyway, I know what you people are probably asking right now: "Goka, what did you get yourself into this time? Why are you fighting a guy who looks like piccolo except who doesn't have ears and has big lips?" Well, it all started a while ago.


On the rocky area under Snake Way, King Kai had finally gotten finish building a house.

King Kai: ah, it took me a couple of weeks, but, I finally managed to build a new house. No more laying on the ground for me.

Goka: nice work, King Kai. It must have toke you a while to....

As she was talking, she placed her hand on the side of the house to feel it, only for it to break apart into pieces.

King Kai:..................I..... I ..... I need to go before I blow more than just a damn bloodvessel....

King Kai started walking off onto Snake Way while Goka, Bubbles and Gregory followed behind him.

King Kai's mind: that didn't fucking mean for you jackasses to follow me.


After a long walk through Snake Way before getting onto an Airport and getting on a long plane ride, Goka and King Kai arrived on the planer of the Grand Kai. They see a couple of fighters training with one another on the way in.

Goka: a cool, these guys look pretty strong. I'm ready to take them all on at once.

King Kai: save the fighting for later.

Goka: awww, but King Kai....

King Kai: if I get on the Grand Kai's bad side because of you, so help me god, I will f**king make sure you won't ever fight ever again!

Goka gasped.

Goka: you wouldn't!

King Kai: try me.

They eventually arrive near a large, mostly white mansion-looking place where a stylish silver colored car was outside of it.

Goka: wow, this place looks amazing.

King Kai: yeah, nice place for an old pot smoking hipster.

King Kai said as he whispered to himself.

Goka: what did you say, King Kai?

King Kai: oh nothing, nothing.

King Kai soon looked in excitement at the car that was parked outside of the building.

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