Chapter 99: Freedom from Darkness

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A/N: as You and Darkrai face Mewtwo and do what you can to free him from his dark corruption, Vegito and Buuhan's battle is reaching an end. But there could be a little more unexpected turns to happen along the way.

Darkrai glared at Shadow Mewtwo before the Shadow Pokémon summoned a shower of Shadow Balls. However, they were either swallowed up by Darkrai summoning another black portal or you and the others blowing them up. Shadow Mewtwo soon charged forward with energy blades made of pure darkness in an attempt to slash at the nightmare Pokémon. However, this attempt was futile as Darkrai either dodged the attack or even made the attacks phase right through him.

Darkrai: you don't even attack properly like you use to. The darkness within you, controlling your heart is even clouding your combat sufficiency. You even use such attacks like these that you would never use before.

Shadow Mewtwo: whatever attacks and how I fight is irrelevant, what matters is following my master's orders and making sure it's fulfilled.

Darkrai: hmph, I figured you might say something like that.

He said before he dissipated into black smoke and You came in and rammed your head against Shadow Mewtwo's own head and caused the Shadow Pokémon to go flying. He stopped himself in midair and looked in annoyance for a moment before charging toward you, and you doing the same. He had his blades activated as you had Dragon Claw at the ready. You both collided with each other and his blades clashed with your Dragon Claws. After a few clashes, Shadow Mewtwo soon unleashed a shockwave to push you back, but as you were knocked back, Groudon and Kyogre quickly charged forward and caused Shadow Mewtwo to quickly block as they landed attempted punches to each side of his head.

Shadow Mewtwo: very predicable attacks, even by the standards of you two!

Groudon: we aren't done yet!

He yelled before the two of them soon grabbed Shadow Mewtwo's arms and kept them locked as to have him restrained.

Shadow Mewtwo: what?!

Suddenly, the area around the 3 of them started to slowly darken as Darkrai was about to use Nightmare. After a few moments, Groudon and Kyogre landed a heavy knee to Shadow Mewtwo's gut and quickly took off from the area before nightmare went into full affect and caused Shadow Mewtwo to groan in pain and even hold his head as he couldn't stop it. Darkrai soon appeared in front of his and moved his hands to him.

Darkrai: you've been consumed in darkness for too long.

He said before placing one hand on Shadow Mewtwo's head and placing the other hand on the part of the body where his heart is. In a few moments, a sudden small pulse surged through Shadow Mewtwo's body and he soon saw a memory go through his head. It was a memory of when he was the normal him before his corruption. He was being electrocuted by red and black bolts of lightning all while Towa was proceeding with the experiment of forcing the Shadow Synergy Stone into Mewtwo's body and turning him into his Shadow counterpart. Shadow Mewtwo quickly unleashed a massive shockwave in order to push Darkrai away from him.

Shadow Mewtwo: what...... what have you done?!

He yelled in anger as his dark aura flared up further.

(Y/N): so, what's the idea here?

Darkrai: any moments where he's dazed within his thoughts is our opportunity to strike. We just need to hold him off until those chances come.

(Y/N): well, that's just real reassuring to know.....

Shadow Mewtwo soon charged toward the two of you with full intent of killing you right there. You both moved out of the way; however, Shadow Mewtwo quickly went after you first. He managed to grab your tail and swung you around before dragging you down and slamming you right onto the ground. You tried to get up, but Shadow Mewtwo soon pressed his foot down onto your neck and even added weight to keep you down as he charged a Shadow Ball in his hand, ready to kill you now. However, before he could fire the attack, he soon held his head for a moment as another memory played in his head. It was the memory of when he had been captured by both the Red Ribbon Army and Team Rocket. Remembering what they were wanting to do with him and what was said to him, as well as remembering when he had managed to break free and destroy the base in his rage. As Shadow Mewtwo was lost in this memory, you too this as an opportunity to grab his leg, pulled it to make him lose his balance and then use Iron Tail against one of his arms while he was falling, knocking him up to the air and even injuring that arm in the process. Shadow Mewtwo panted for a moment before letting out a growl as he raised up his hand and gripped it in his fist, still going to fight. Both Groudon and Kyogre charged at him from opposite directions. Groudon soon used Mud Shot while Kyogre used Muddy Water, prompting Shadow Mewtwo to set up his forcefield as soon as he could. The two attacks collided with his forcefield and mostly didn't do much effect. Once Shadow Mewtwo deactivated his forcefield, the two of them charged at full speed toward him. He was ready to try and unleash some boomerang-like projectiles toward them, but before he could even form the attacks, another memory popped into his head. This time, it was the memories to when he rebelled against Giovanni and shed himself of the metallic suit that he had put around him before. He also had a further memory of when he woke up in the tank and heard one of the scientists mention the fact that he was a clone of Mew before he eventually broke out. As he was stuck in that memory, Groudon and Kyogre came in and slammed their fists against the sides of his face before they both kicked him in the chest and sent him further into the air. He growled in pure frustration and his dark aura burst all the way to it's limit before he soon lifted up his still fully functioning arm and started to charge up a Dark Nova, bigger and more powerful than before. As he was charging this attack, many of the others, excluding Vegito and Buuhan since the still candied Vegito was still beating the piss out of Buuhan. Even Towa looked in confusion to Shadow Mewtwo putting so much of his power into the attack.

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