Chapter 15: Goka vs Ginyu

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A/N: after bitching to her about the situation regarding the entire force, Jeice gets Ginyu involved to try and take care of Goka. Where things soon go wrong.

(At Guru's place).

Guru: and so I tell him, "I don't care who you are! Now clean my jowls!" And that was Nail's first day on the job.

Nail: yes, sir... I remember, I was there. That also doesn't have anything to do with what we were talking about.

Guru: what were we talking about?

Nail: that ungodly POWER headed our way!

He said referring to Frieza, who was heading their way.

Guru: oh yeah... that.

Nail: you know, perhaps you should give someone else that power-up. You remember, the one you gave the Earthlings?

Guru: you are correct. It is time for me to unlock your hidden powers... Dende.

Guru unlocked Dende's hidden potential.

Dende: ahh, what the hell?!

Guru: and now, your power has been awakened.

Dende: I noticed!

Nail: sir, I was referring to ME.....!

Guru: now listen to me, Dende. With these powers, you garner a huge responsibility. I need you to run as fast as you can to the Earthlin.....

Nail: sir, he left you the moment after you gave him the power-up.

Guru looked at the window and saw Dende flying away.

Guru: That SLUT!

(Outside Frieza's ship).

Jeice was reporting to Captain Ginyu about what had happened.

Jeice: then out of nowhere, this stupid girl in this stupid outfit starts beating us up, and I lost me best mate, and....

Captain Ginyu: Jeice! You'll speak to me professionally and dutifully.

Jeice soon calmed down.

Jeice: oh, um... Sorry, cap'n.

Captain Ginyu: now, Jeice, back from the field. Full report.

Jeice: Well, see, at first it was going fine... but next thing we know, Guldo... well...

Captain Ginyu: oh lord, he's dead, isn't he...?

Jeice: that he is, sir...

Captain Ginyu: well... in our line of work, our lives can be compromised at any moment. This is something we must live with. On the plus side, Burter owes me 50 Raditz.

Jeice: about that, cap'n... he's probably not gonna pay up.

Captain Ginyu: really? He's usually such a good sport about that.

Jeice: thing is, he's come down with a sudden case of death, ma'me.

Captain oh... that's... wow. That's a rather hefty loss.

Jeice: yes, sir. He was a valued teammate. Strong, fast, and....

Captain Ginyu: and Blue!

Jeice: pardon, cap'n?

Captain Ginyu: blue! And tall! And you're so red! And short! It was the perfect little yin-yang thing we had going!

Jeice: not that short, cap'n.

He said while muttering.

Captain Ginyu: oh, don't go all Vegeta on me. Now, where are we going to find another blue recruit? Perhaps Recoome knows someone.

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