Chapter 2: Oozaru Rampage

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A/N: months after your rather short battle with saiyan named Raditz, a few multiple Pokémon started to worry about something that you think that isn't going to happen. But later on in the night, you encounter a giant ape looking creature on a rampage.

Sometime after you left, some of the Pokémon that had to leave the area before because of Goka and piccolo's battle with Raditz, had managed to return back to the area after the battle had ended. However, they still kept their distance from the other people there. And after Piccolo took off with the child known as Gohan, They and the other people heard Raditz's comrades speaking on his scouter.

Nappa: Raditz? Raaaaaaditz.

Master Roshi: what the hell is that?

Nappa: guy who's as strong as a Saibaman says What? .........That usually gets to him. I think he's dead, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Big shocker! Nobody cares! We're ten times stronger than him anyway! We'll go to Earth, find the Dragon Balls, and kill everyone! And we'll be there within a year or so...... depending on filler, of course.

Nappa: Anything else we need to go over, Vegeta?

Vegeta: Nnnope, that's about it.

Master Roshi: Well, f.....

The few Pokemon who came back into the area overheard what the two on the scouter said and they would be there within a year or so. They tried to warn many of the other Pokemon, but not many believed them.


It had been a few months after your battle with the long haired man known as Raditz and after that, things had been starting to happen. You basically went back to the sky pillar after sometime of flying around and slept again. However, once you woke back up again, you decided to check on how things were going recently after the battle that had happened before. As you were flying through the air, you noticed two Salamence with worried expressions on their faces. You stopped near them and went to see what it was troubling them.

(Y/N): what seems to be troubling you the two of you?

They both looked to your direction.

Salamence 1: l...lord Rayquaza......we have very troubling news.

(Y/N): how troubling are we talking?

Salamence 2: it's about that long haired armored warrior that you fought months ago.

(Y/N): yes...... wait, how do you even know about that?

Salamence 2: some of us were observing the battle from a far while trying to not get too close to the area until it was all over and we then saw you arrive there.

(Y/N): hmmm, I see.

Salamence 1: after the battle was over and we arrived back in the area, we overheard two people talking to each other on this strange device on the side of his head.

(Y/N): well what did they say?

Salamence 2: they said that they were 10 times stronger than him and would be arriving here in about a year.

(Y/N): Hm, are you absolutely positive on that?

Salamence 1: yes. we promise, we swear.

(Y/N): Hm..... I suppose news of two powerful beings coming to earth is rather serious. I will have to look into the situation and if push comes to shove, I'll get Groudon and Kyogre to assist.

The second Salamence sighed in relief.

Salamence 2: thank you, my lord.

You nodded before flying off.


Your flight had went on for a while since the sun eventually went down and it turned to nighttime. During this time,  you were still thinking about what the two salamence said before.

(Y/N): If what they say is true, then hopefully they won't be all that powerful as they let on.

That when you saw an explosion somewhere.

(Y/N):"sigh" ah crap! What the hell could it be time?You flew to the direction of the blast and found that a rocky area was under attack by a giant ape looking creature.

(Y/N): Boy, The Slakings really have change a lot the last time I've seen them. All well, last thing I need is for someone to cause a little trouble around here.

You let out a roar and the giant ape turned to your direction and fired a purple beam from his mouth. You dodged.

(Y/N): well then, this is the second time someone's shot at me the moment I arrive somewhere. 

It fired again and you swat the blast back at the creatures, causing it to crashed against the rocks. It got up and got pissed as it was smashing rock.

(Y/N): oh, guess I hit a nerve with this monkey.

You fired an ice beam at the ape but he jumped and threw rocks at you. You smashed them with iron tail and shot multiple dragon pulse at him. They all hit the ape but he was still standing.

(Y/N): of course he's still standing.

You used you quick speed and managed to get behind the ape and fired a hyper beam.

The large ape was sent flying into many rocks and it roared in anger.

(Y/N): this guy just can't seem to stay down. If only there was a tall skyscraper and a couple of planes, this would be a lot easier. 

Suddenly, the massive creature soon stopped it's rampage and fell to the ground before it turned back into a naked boy.

(Y/N):............. what? 0_0

You then saw the green man known as Piccolo from a few months ago when taking care of Raditz.

(Y/N): the hell is he doing here for?

He stood over the naked boy and then suddenly made clothes appear on him.

(Y/N): ok, not going to stick around to see how this goes. You started to fly off until you noticed something very odd.

(Y/N): wait.... hold the f**kin phone.

You looked up to the sky and noticed something pretty important was missing from it.

(Y/N): wasn't the moon there a second ago?

You asked yourself as you looked around.

(Y/N): where the hell could it have gone to? I thought that scientist with the crazy ass mustache was being full of himself about that!

You said while continuing to look around before a thought came to mind.

(Y/N): shit, I better get out of her now and possibly. lunala is going to be pissed when she finds out about this.

You said before flying off and away from the rocky area below.

A/N: The attack would only be a foreshadow for what would be to come far later.

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