Chapter 62: New Tournament, New Threat Emerges

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A/N: as the new Intergalactic World Tournament begins, a new threat begins to emerge just around the corner. All while Towa plans things out to make sure it goes well.

Today was the day of the Intergalactic World Tournament. A ship had currently arrived, dropping off some of its contestants for the Tournament.

Kim: we're live at the Intergalactic World Tournament, where a few fighters have just arrived from 4 different galaxies have just landed to take part in what is the first.....

The last fighter who got off of the ship slammed a metal chained spike ball onto the ground, breaking it, startling the announcer and cameraman. As the camera was rolling, the things going on were being seen from a projector that was playing the footage on the size of a building in west city, where people from ZTV were there.

Kim: .......OH GOD! Uh...... we got that right? ..........Tony?

There was no response.

Kim: ....... Tony?

There was still no response.

Kim: ....... Well uh..... We'll return with more coverage on the tournament as soon as my cameraman.... regains conciseness.

As the footage ended, the ZTV Group soon turned to the person who was responsible for the new tournament.

Reporter: and turn our attention to the man who put this whole new tournament together, X.S. Cash. Mr. Cash, what exactly is this Intergalactic World Tournament that you've organized? Especially after only mere months after the shocking Cella Games.

(At first, I wasn't sure if the person in the green suit was Jimmy Firecracker considering his jawline and hair looked different).

X.S. Cash: well you see, the credit actually all goes to my only little boy, Monty.

He said as his wife and son were sitting next to him

Lotta Cash: it's our son's 10th birthday and we saw just how excited he was from watching the Cella Games back then, we decided that we should arrange a new tournament as a present to him.

Monty then looked up to his dad.

Monty: you said that there were actually going to be aliens at this tournament, right daddy?

X.S. Cash: but of course, my boy. Only the best your dear old dad could find. It'll be a royal slam fest between human and aliens. All while we get to look at the action from our special row of seats. And remember, Monty, with money, you can just about do anything.

The Reporter soon whispered to himself.

Reporter: yeah, except maybe a broken marriage and abortion.

He soon looked to the Producer.

Reporter: so uh, as the producer of this tournament, could you care to elaborate.

Producer: ah yes, well you see. Mr. Cash, is the richest man in the world, is here to sponsor what just maybe the biggest tournament to ever exist. Age, Gender, Race Pro or even pure amateurs, the most powerful combatants throughout the world have been invited to attend this new event. Whoever shall become the victor shall receive a large cash prize. Runner-ups may receive tour packages for the entire family to a hot spring resort.

As the announcement was going on, King Kai, from under Snake Way, was listening in on it from a TV while Bubbles had to hold up a satellite dish.

X.S. Cash: and in addition to the cash price, the winner also gets the honor to fight, the one and only legendary champion, the one who defeated the terrifying Cella, Mr. Satan!

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