Chapter 51: Deities, Devils, and Doing the Dirty

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A/N: You and the others all do either training or a bit of relaxing. During this, Bulma has a look into who 16 use to be, and got a hint into what else was responsible for the fall of The Red Ribbon Army.

Frostwing had eventually arrived at the area where the Cella Games were. He looked down at the area and saw Cella standing there.

Frostwing: "sighs" I know she's likely just going to ignore my warnings and still go through with all of this. But, still can't hurt a guy for at least trying.

Frostwing flew over down towards Cella and landed a few feet from her. Cella had a small smirk as she looked to him.

Perfect Cella: I make an announcement about the fate the world and the cutie comes speaking with me in order for him to be spared.

Frostwing: wha........? No, I've come to talk to you. I just want to try convincing you on not doing this.

Perfect Cella: oh really?

Frostwing: look, I know that you're likely not going to comply, but, I'm still going to try. I mean, just what exactly are you going to gain from all of this?

Perfect Cella: well, I'll be killing Goka and Vegeta. I'd say killing Vegeta probably the best I'd gain out of that.

Frostwing: but what about this planet? Why bring that and everyone else into this?

Perfect Cella: who the f**k wouldn't blow up a boring ass planet like this?

Frostwing: even if I die in the planet's explosion.

Perfect Cella: well, I've heard earth's not the only planet with dragon balls so.....

Frostwing's mind: someone fucking snitched!

Perfect Cella: now look, I know you're trying to convince me to trying to back down on this. And it's an adorable attempt. But, utterly effortless.

Frostwing: damn. I should have known. Fine, but when the day comes, I just hope you at least think of reconsidering.

Perfect Cella: likely not, Frosty.

Frostwing turned around and started walking.

Perfect Cella: by the way, nice ass.

Frostwing stopped, looked down and sighed and then flew off.

(Quick Timeskip).

Frostwing eventually arrived back at the area, with Logan crossing his arms and he looked to him.

Logan: well, took you long enough.

Frostwing: sorry, I had to stop somewhere for a moment.

Logan: eh, it's no problem, let's just get started with our training.

Frostwing: right.

The two got into battle stances from each other before they both charged at each other and clashed, making a mini shockwave as they did. They traded punches with one another.


Sometime had passed after a while, but during all that time, Frieza had her time with you to get your mind off all the stress. At the moment, The two of you were just laying there on long grass with each other as the both of you were naked... or well..... technically you're the only one naked since Frieza doesn't wear clothes but you get the point.

(Y/N): wow........

Frieza: told you I could relieve you of some of that stress.

She said as she had a confident smirk with her hands behind her head as she was laying down.

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