Chapter 14: Goka Arrives

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A/N: Goka arrives and basically owns the Ginyu Force.

Goka looked around as she had finally arrived on namek.

Goka: finally, I'm on Planet Namek.

Krillin: help uuuuussssss!

Krillin yelled in the distance.

Goka: so serene.

Krillin: oh, God, I'm in so much pain! Heeeeeelp!

He kept yelling in the distance.

Goka: I think I hear a duck. But this far out in space? That doesn't make any sense!

Krillin: Quaaaaaaaack...

He quacked in the distance to get things more properly to Goka.

Goka: Oh, no! That sounds like Krillin! Imma comin'!

She powered up to Kaio-ken and flew to the direction the noise was coming from.

(Outside Frieza's ship).

Frieza: I can't believe we came all the way out here and spent a week in the Space Boonies for nothing! Seriously, I'm surprised we didn't hear banjos on the way in because everybody's inbred and looks the f**king same! Not to mention I lost Dodoria and Zarbon, the latter of whom spent 400 credits making long-distance calls to his girlfriend, who I am convinced is named Chuck!

Captain Ginyu: Lady Frieza...

Frieza: WHAT?!

Captain Ginyu: there may still be a few holed up somewhere. Perhaps you should check your scouter.

Frieza paused for a brief moment and then checked her scouter.

Frieza: well, would you look at that? Three in that direction.

She got into her bubble car.

Frieza: good work, Ginyu.

Captain Ginyu: all in a day's work ma'me.

Frieza flew off, leaving Ginyu to herself.

Captain Ginyu: and now... the Dance of Solitude!

Captain Ginyu starts dancing, with "Vouge" playing in the background.

Back with Burter and Jeice, they were waiting as they watched a red dot approaching the battlefield.

Burter: so are we just waiting for this thing or wha.....

Goku quickly flew into the battlefield.

Jeice: holy doolie!

Burter: jesus, that was fast! I.... I mean not as... not as fast as me considering I'm the fastest in the... in the universe. But compared to the average person...

Jeice: we get it, mate. It's cool.

You looked over to Goka as she approached the nearly-dead Gohan. You finally managed to calm down from your anger and went over to Vegeta. During this, Recoome finally got back up.

Recoome: just what is going on here?

As you walked to Vegeta, Logan stepped to you.

Logan: hey, you calm now?

(Y/N): yeah, just fine now.

You reached your hand out to Vegeta, who simply huffed and looked away.

Vegeta: I'm p..... perfectly capable of getting up on my own.

(Y/N): then try it.

She grunted as she tried her best to get up on her feet, but, the pain in her body preventing her from doing so. She then let out a sigh and reluctantly held out her hand. You then helped her up as Goka started shaking Gohan, who made snapping noises while doing so.

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