Chapter 31: Saiyans v Androids

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A/N: as the battle with Android 19 went on, You and Logan sense someone else is close by, trying to increase the situation. So you two head out to confront them.

Goka, as a Super Saiyan, was giving Android 19 a beating, the latter being heard constantly saying "Ow." over and over again.

Dr. Gero soon looked to Piccolo and Tien.

Dr. Gero: are you afraid...? It's okay, you know... to feel that creeping, seizing fear. Not everyone faces their deaths so openly. I'll admit, your composure is admirable... even in the face of your inevitable demise, death's gaze squarely on you. You still keep calm, cool, and....

He then looks toward Android 19, who was still getting the shit knocked out of him.

Dr. Gero: oh, for God's sake, 19, throw a f**king punch!

Gohan, Krillin, and Yamcha soon arrived at the battle.

Gohan: Mr. Piccolo, what have we missed?

Piccolo: well, your mother is currently handing the Pillsbury Doughbot its generous, white ass.

Dr. Gero: Yes, well, your feeble understanding of our abilities would lead you to believe such. But 19 has yet to truly demonstrate his full killing proficiency. 19! Attack from the left!

Android 19: higher.

He screwed up the attack and got elbowed in the face.

Android 19: ouch.

(Y/N): Yeah, it's definitely being shown here.

You said as 19 saying "Ow" could be heard in the background.

Dr. Gero: no, my left! As I was saying... 19 is merely lulling your comrade into a false sense of security. And once we... 19, dodge!

Android 19: beginning dodge protocol...

Goka kneed him in the face.

Android 19: ow.

Dr. Gero: why is dodging a subroutine? It's not that complex!

Piccolo turned around and stared at Gohan.

Gohan: What? What?!

Dr. Gero: regardless, once we've secured our vantage point, Android 19 will move in for the kill, and your precious Son Goka will feel the full sting of my vengeance!

Goka punched Android 19 in the face, who respondrf by saying "Ow." and got knocked into the ground.

(Y/N), Logan and Frostwing: -_-

Dr. Gero: hmm... a moment. 19, would you stop messing around?!

Goka began charging up a Kamehameha.

Goka: Ka... Me...

Dr. Gero: oh, that's distressing...! 19, respond immediately!

Android 19 stood still and stared at Goka in the sky.

Goka: Ha... Me...

Dr. Gero: 19, what are you in, safe mode? Start responding this instant, before I shove my boot up your ass!

Android 19: Reboot completed.


Goka fired the Kamehameha, which 19 then absorbed through the energy-absorbing device in his hand.

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