Chapter 40: Weather Trio Reunited

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A/N: as Goka finally awakens and heads to the lookout to train, You reunite with Groudon and Kyogre and reform the weather trio to help with the current situation.

At Bulma's house, she, Dr. Briefs, Frostwing and Krillin were reviewing the schematics Krillin brought back from Dr. Gero's hidden lab.

Bulma: wait, so you're saying he had a sub-lab?

Dr. Briefs: of course he had a sub-lab. We all have sub-labs. Where do you think I keep your mother's clones?

Bulma: mom's what?

He soon interrupted her by speaking very quickly.

Dr. Briefs: don't go in the basement.

He looked through the schematics of the androids.

Dr. Briefs: oh look, there's bombs in the androids! I could probably make a detonator for that.

Krillin: I don't know, do you really have to blow them up?

Dr. Briefs: why do you care? They're mostly just machinery at this point. Whoops, Babymakers still intact; guess They're still useful for somethin'!

Krillin: so you're saying she still has a.....

Dr. Briefs: Vagina, yes.

Krillin: ...Just went from a nine to a ten.

Bulma: ugh. Anyway, where's everyone else right now?

Krillin: well, Piccolo and the others are searching for Cella...

Meanwhile, Piccolo and Tien were in a ravaged theme park.

Piccolo: how are all these rides still running?

Tien: why are the clothes still on them?

Piccolo: this is supposed to be a place of fun!

(Back to Krillin).

Krillin: so, hopefully that's going well. And Trunks went off to find Vegeta...

Trunks was sitting a considerable distance away from Vegeta.

Trunks: NOTICE ME!!!

Vegeta: .....NOOOO!!!

(Back to Krillin).

Krillin: best of luck there...

Bulma: and any update on Goka?

Frostwing: oh, she's just resting at Kame House. Probably still asleep.

Krillin: speaking of which, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be there keeping an eye on Frieza?

Frostwing: yes, but, I'd thought I could help out. I can at least lend these two a hand.

Krillin: right. Well, hopefully it's going well back home then.

Back at Kame House, there a loud rumbling that causes ChiChi to fall on the floor.

ChiChi: ah! The androids are here! Bring it on, you robotic sons of.... huh?

She rushed upstairs and opened the door to see that Goka was gone.

ChiChi: oh, no! They've already got her!

She looked out the window.

ChiChi: ah!

Master Roshi: did I miss somethin'?

Him, Logan and Frieza looked out the window and saw the ocean splitting apart.

Master Roshi: well, either Goka's awake or Moses has brought the Jews. Either way, my pantry's not full enough.

ChiChi looked down and gasped.

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