Chapter 96: Fuse with me, Vegeta

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A/N: As you and the others fight off Buuhan, Goka does what she can to try and get Vegeta to fuse with her.

Buuhan smirked as she dodged attempted slashes from you using Dragon Claw.

Buuhan: my, my. Such a temper you have!

You shot off a Hyper Beam and attempted to blast her right in the head. But she thinned and stretched her own body.

Frostwing: this isn't good. He's not even focusing correctly. He's just blindly attacking.

Kyogre: we don't stop him; he'll get himself killed!

Goka: man.... who am I gonna be able to fuse with this time if I don't have Gohan now?

She looked over to Tien for a moment, but saw that he was knocked out when Buu's lower body jumped him earlier.

Goka: nope........ Maybe.....

She looked over and saw Hercule peaking out from behind the rocks and still watching the fight going on.

Goka: definitely not him........ I'm not even actually sure that we could even be able to win if we both fused....

She then looked to Frieza.

Goka: uh...... does Freezer even actually have ears to really make it possible for us?

She then looked over to Logan and Frostwing.

Goka: one of those guys could possibly work.

You let out a roar and shot a Dragon Pulse, the best it got was merely taking a small portion off of Buuhan's body due to her having tried to dodge the attack.

Buuhan: tsk, tsk, tsk. All that temper and you've got nothing to really show for it.

She said before she moved her fist back as You charged toward her. Once You got to close, she rammed her hand seemingly into your chest.

Frieza: ?!

Groudon & Kyogre: NOOOOOOO!!!!

Goka: (Y/N)!

You coughed up blood as your eyes turned back from red to yellow. Buuhan smirked as she slowly started to move her hand out from your chest. However, You soon dug your talons into her head and blasted her directly in the face with Dragon Breath, quickly setting her head ablaze. She yelled in pain and pulled her arm out from your chest as You let go of her head and started to fall to the ground. Logan caught you and landed on the ground.

Dende: okay, may way for the White Mage.

Buuhan managed to finally douse the flames from her head and growled through her currently melted face before fixing it and saw Frostwing charging right for her. She moved her hands together and charged an attack, but was soon hit directly of both a stream of fire and boiling water.

Buuhan: seriously?!

The fire came from Groudon and the boiling water came from Kyogre. Both the blasts ended up melting and deforming her body and making her unable to focus on charging the blast, leaving her open for Frostwing to land heavy punches onto her face and chest. He finished it with a kick that send her flying towards the ground and then firing a barrage of ki blasts. After she crashed to the ground, Frostwing fired a yellow energy beam at where Buuhan had crashed at and crated a in the process.

Cella: my, seeing him with a fierce and intimidating look on his face is oddly..... arousing~

Zangya: I'd like to tell you to save that stuff for later, but I can't help but agree on that.

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