Chapter 101: Final Battle for The Universe

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A/N: You and the others face off against Kid Buu in one final clash to decide the fate of the entire universe.

Kid Buu smirked as she landed onto the ground and looked to You and the others. You glared at the pink demon while letting out a low, but monstrous, snarl. As this was going on, Cella, Crystal and Zangya all moved back a pretty far distance from the area you and the others were as they knew it was gonna be an intense fight. Vegeta cracked her knuckles as she smirked a bit.

Vegeta: well, now that we've got her here, we can fight as hard as we want.

Goka soon turned around to Elder Kai, Kibito Kai and Dende.

Goka: Kibito, please take the others off and away from this place. Last thing we need is for either one of you to be hurt.... or worse.

Elder Kai: you better be lucky that the Sacred World of the Kais isn't just your average battleground! Just hear this, all of you fight her as hard as you can! Don't hold anything back! The fate of the universe is in your hands! Oh god, is it in your hands!

Goka nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Kibito Kai: alright then. Both of you just hold onto a part of me and we'll be there in no time.

The both of them grabbed onto him.

Kibito Kai: um..... honorable ancestor..... I do believe that is my lower region that you're touching.

Elder Kai: oops, sorry about that. Being stuck in the Z-sword for so long tends to mess with your eye sight for a while. Gonna be a bit to get use to.

He said before moving his hand to one of Kibito Kai's legs.

Kibito Kai: alright. Onward to Namek we go!

The 3 of them were soon gone out of sight from the realm. As this was going on, Yamcha and Krillin had their hands on King Kai's back as they were watching what was going on from Grand Kai's world.

Yamcha: there they all are!

Krillin: what kind of location are they suppose to be in?

King Kai: the Sacred World of the Kais, the holy realm of the Supereme Kais themselves. Even us normal Kai have a difficulty going there. But yet Goka and all he little buddies manage to go there no problem!

Yamcha: but why did Majin Buu go there without wiping us out first? Not complaining, just asking.

King Kai: best guess, she's got unfinished business with Goka and the others.

West Kai: so, you're telling me that the reason our asses are still alive is because of Goka? You gotta be bluffing.

King Kai: hey, you can spy on certain things too, you know. Just have a look for yourself and see if I'm really bullshitting.

West Kai soon started to tap into the area where You and the others were, with Pikkon and Olibu appearing and placing their hands on his shoulders to have a look as well. Elsewhere, Kibito Kai and the other two quickly arrived in a long grass-type area.

Kibito Kai: alright. Here we are. Planet Namek of the lower realm. Even if the Sacred World of the Kais does somehow manage to get destroyed, we won't be affected here.

Elder Kai: alright, let's have a little check up on all of them and see if they've started trashing it yet.

He said as he walked over to a log and set the crystal ball down on it.

Kibito Kai: honorable ancestor, do you really think Goka and the others will be able to take down Majin Buu?

Elder Kai: if they put their power together, they might just gain victory....

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