A New Year

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3rd POV
Hey everyone! It's me! The narrator.
This beautiful story takes place in the magical land of Auradon.
As you may know Ben, the prince, he isn't King yet .
Last year Ben decided that he wanted a few VK's to live in Auradon.
His parents really didn't agree with it, but Ben told them that their parents don't define them.
Throughout the whole year that the VK's been at Auradon, they all became really close friends.
Mal has mixed emotions for Ben, she likes him, but as a friend. That's what she told Evie.
But for Ben, let's just say he likes Mal more than a friend.
I can't tell if Mal feels the same, she's giving me mixed emotions.
Too see for yourself, let's just get right into this story.

Mal's POV
It's the first day of Sophomore year here at Auradon Prep.
I'm so excited.
All summer I hung out with my friends.
Or some days me and Ben hung out. It was adorable, because one day Ben showed up at my dorm and gave me my favorite flowers.
He is so adorable.
After thinking, me and Evie got ready for our first day of school.
After we got ready, we texted the boys to meet us by the cafeteria doors.
Including Ben.
I'm surprised he broke up with Audrey.
Well she was no good for him anyways, I'm just happy that he is happy.
"M, you ready?" Evie asked

"Ready as I'll ever be"
Then we walked out and headed to the cafeteria doors.
Finally we got there.
The boys were already waiting.
"Hey guys" I said approaching them
They quickly turned around.
"Hey" Jay and Carlos said
We gave them a hug, we haven't seen them in a few weeks, because school was starting up and they needed to get a few school stuff, same with Ben, I haven't seen him in a while.
But it was a magical moment when I hugged him.
"Hey" I said to Ben
He gave me a big hug.
"Hey" he said back

"How you been?" I asked pulling away from the hug

"Good. What about you?"

He nodded.
Okay this is awkward.
"Hey, can I see your classes?" I asked

"Oh yeah of course"
He took out a piece of paper and gave it to me.
I looked over his classes.
"Oh hey look we have 4 classes together" I said smiling

"Oh, that's so cool"
"What are the classes?" he added

"We have history, science, math and art"
"You draw?" I asked

"Uh, actually no, my mom said in order for me to graduate I needed to take art class, so here I am" he said chuckling nervously

"Oh, okay"
I was about to say something again but then the bell rang.
"Oh no, time for school" he said chuckling

"I guess I will see you next period" I said

I walked away and went to my first class.

Ben's POV
I went to my first class.
I sat in the back, then class started.
I got so bored, I zoned out, thinking, thinking about Mal.
Second period started.
This is mine and Mal's first class that we have together.
And of course we sat next to each other.
We talked for a bit before class started.
It's break so me and Mal went to a bench, Evie and the guys met us there.
"So how was your first class?" I asked Mal

"It was alright"

"You had computer class huh?"

"Yeah. What about you, how was your first class?" she asked

She laughed
"Why was it so boring?"

"Well, he was just talking about himself and what he did during summer"
She chuckled.
"That sounds really boring" she said

"Yeah" as I laughed
We sat there in silence.
But then she took out her drawing book that was filled with beautiful drawings.
"Did you draw that?" I asked
It was a beautiful rose flower that had lots of detail.

"Oh, yeah. It took my days just to finish it"

"It's really beautiful" I said smiling down at her
She blushed a bit but she smiled back at me.
When she turned the page I saw another picture that she drew.
It was baby, like an infant.
I was about to ask her if that was her when she was little.
But then the bell rang.
"Oh sorry, Have to get to my next class" she said getting up

"Oh okay, see you next period"
Then she quickly walked away.
I let out a sigh, then I went to my next class.
3rd POV
The day went on as a regular school day.
Until finally school was over for the day.
Mal and Evie went to their dorm, the boys did too and Ben went back to his castle where he lives.

Mal's POV
I was about to go to bed, until I got a text.
I picked up my phone and it was from Ben.
I opened the message and read it.

Hey Mal, today was a bit awkward, but it's okay, I'm okay with awkward. I'm just glad that I got to see you again and talk to you.
Tomorrow is a new day, so I will see you tomorrow.
Goodnight beautiful <3

I smiled to myself.
I replied back:
Yeah it was a bit awkward, but I don't mind.
I was so happy that I saw you again too! :)
Tomorrow is a new day and we will hang out more.

Then I put my phone to charge and fell asleep.

Hey guys! This is my new book!!!
I hope you guys will enjoy it!
Please vote, comment and share!
I will post the next chapter soon!

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