(i) the awakening

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age: 5

"isn't there anything that can be done?", mikoto uchiha asked, sighing in regret

"this is war. of course there will be casualties.", the kunoichi tending to the two wounded people by her said

"but they have a daughter"

"we all have loved ones, mikoto. it's not enough."

"at least try to save one of them. i don't want her to lead the life of an orphan", she pleaded

just then, a monstrous sound was heard. the two turned around in alarm to see the mountain before them crumbling to bits.

"it's the hidden stone ninja! everyone retreat! we're not enough to take them on!", the sound of their captain boomed through the atmosphere.

"you heard him", the kunoichi said, "come on mikoto we don't have time!"

the woman took one last look at the two lifeless bodies before joining the rest of the troops.

meanwhile in the leaf village

"ITACHI", the young girl ran behind the raven haired boy, determined to chase him. "I WILL CATCH UP TO YOU!!"

"pfft as if i'd let you", the boy teased, running with incredible speed.

"both of you! continue with shuriken practice", the ninja in charge of the academy yelled.

"hey y/n", itachi asked the girl, "can you do this?"
he sent three shurikens flying, all three hitting the target in a straight line.

"why not?", she replied. she sent three shurikens flying, but only two hit the target accurately.

both her and itachi were the youngest children in the academy. they had enrolled when they were 5, a remarkable feat. they were both uchihas, displayed immense talent and came from respectable families. but everyone would agree that she was always two steps behind him. she was always almost as strong as him.

the two were best of friends and sworn rivals since the day they joined the academy.

suddenly an academy guard came running and whispered something to the sensei. his face paled at the news, watching the girl laughing with itachi, wondering how blissfully unaware she was at that moment.

"should i break the news to her?" he whispered quietly to the guard that had just arrived.

"i think you should"

he sighed.

"y/n, come up here for a moment", he called out to the uchiha girl.

"yes sensei?", she asked, walking upto him

"i have just received some news"

she instantly sensed that something was horribly wrong.

"you see, it's about-", he continued only to be cut off

"my parents?"

"yes, how did you know?", he asked amazed

"just a feeling. so are they wounded? or coming back home? what happened?" she asked hopefully

"actually", he took a deep breath, "they have died in battle. an honourable way to die for a shinobi"

a few seconds of silence followed. silence that could deafen the people hearing it. and suddenly, a blood curtling scream was heard.

"Y/N", itachi yelled through the scream, terrified of what might've triggered it.

she collapsed, putting her face in her hands as she stared at the floor beneath her.

"HEY Y/N WHAT HAPPENED", he rushed to her, sitting down in front of her.

her body shook as he put his hands on her shoulders.

"they're- they're gone", she said, still not looking up, the frustration dripping from her voice.


"my.. mom and dad", she whispered.


"WHY?!", she yelled, now finally looking up at him

he took two steps back as he looked at her eyes. their usual pitch black colour had been replaced by blood red. the other children on the training ground gathered around, watching in horror and awe.

"did she just awaken her sharingan, sensei?", a kid from the academy asked, trembling at the sight.

"yes. and to awaken it at 5. incredible", he replied.

"truly incredible"

a few days later

"lord third, i would like your permission to take y/n in and raise her like my own child.", mikoto uchiha firmly proclaimed in the office of the hokage.

"permission granted. this girl will be a great shinobi one day. rumour has it she awakened her sharingan when she heard the news. have you asked fugaku?"

"yes, he agrees. she is our responsibility now.", she assured.

back at the uchiha household

"so this means y/n gets to come stay with us?", itachi asked, excited

"yes it does", his mother smiled

y/n walked quietly into the house as mikoto showed her to the room she would be living in.

"it's next to mine!", itachi told her excitedly

she didn't return his enthusiasm, which was understandable. but it hurt his feelings. they were both kids after all.

"give her some time", fugaku said, putting a hand on itachi's shoulder. he nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

the first few chapters will be to give you guys an idea on what your background is and basically how you fit into the naruto timeline.

there will be many time skips.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now