Her tape

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(Flashbacks are always in BOLD)
(✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -= time skip)
(Text look like This
Text are in bold and italic
Baby<3= Zach
Bubba= Justin
All the other names are the same)

I'm just gonna sum it down for y'all
Kensley foley was Hannah's bakers friend Jeff was her best friend Justin is her twin and Zach is her boyfriend

To sum it down in case you don't want to read her tape
her tape said stuff about her drug abuse her life situation and how she dropped Hannah to date Zach Hannah always came to Kensley with her problems and when it came to it Kensley stuck up for Hannah when guys would pick on her until Hannah got into a fight with Kensley over Zach Dempsey

Kensley Went out with Zach and told Hannah about it but Hannah wasn't to fond of her dating him because of what he did to her so she told her

"omg hannah you're so dramatic not everything is about you he stole some stupid compliments out of your basket I'm always sticking up for you but you know maybe everyone is right maybe you are a slut maybe you did fuck my brother at the park because you're an attention seeking whore maybe all the rumors I hear are true you're a bitch Hannah I don't ever want to speak to you again" from then on Kensley spread rumors about the girl told everyone Hannah's darkest secret ignored her when she needed her most so Hannah revealed some of kensleys darkest secrets and her relationship with Jeff Attkins

The tape-
"The subject for our next tape is a girl you all know and love I don't know a single person who doesn't hate her I mean who would? She's dating one of Liberty High star athletes she's pretty, funny, and smart she's lots of things you either want to date her or want to be her she's Libertys IT girl

Kensley foley welcome To your tape.

bet you didn't see that one coming? I know what you are all thinking what could Kensley foley have done to cost a girl her life? She did many things she ruined my life it all started when Zach started stealing my compliments out of my bag you see
Zach and Kens were already close because she hung out with them a lot because she's Justin's sister so they weren't strangers they sat together in Mrs.Bradley's class and talked all the time I didn't think anything of it until one day

I saw you stay after class with Zach you watched him steal my compliments and said nothing in fact you kissed him and laughed

i came to you and asked you about them and you said you didn't know you lied to me those compliments made my day and you let Zach take them and then lied to me not only about the compliments but about Zach you told me that you and Zach were just friends Why did you have to lie?

Once I caught Zach you started avoiding me and sitting with the jocks at lunch walking with them in the halls so I asked you about it and turns out you and Zach were dating and you didn't bother to tell me I yelled at you he hurt me and you dated him you didn't care about me

I don't think you ever did you just cared about yourself you started spreading rumors around about me like how I'm an attention seeking whore and a slut and everything that happened to me was my fault it was open season on Hannah baker once again

in the halls I would smile and wave and you would just walk away I tried being friendly but obviously that didn't work so I stopped you in the middle of hall asking you why you did what you did you told me to fuck off you had no explanation

I called you a bitch and you punched me not once but 3 times until Jeff pulled you off me

you Kensley foley are not what people see you as you spread around my darkest secret so I'm going to share yours

starting with number one you're addictive to drugs and not just weed you're addiction is heroin and pills Jeff tried to help you but it seems as if you don't care you lied to him and continued doing the drugs

number two you helped with the hot or not list I found out from Alex's that's why you aren't on it and no one else knew you helped because Zach and Justin and Bryce and Monty all would protect and they always will

number three you get abused by your moms boyfriend all those times you "fell down the stairs" or "got in a fight" no that was just Seth Beating the hell out of you

number four you and Jeff were each other's first times you lied to Zach about that

number five you killed Jeff Atkins.

you see normally if you saw Jeff kensley was always right beside him you were each other's ride or dies but there are a couple story's to the night he died but we can start with this one All night you were with Jeff and Zach and a few other people I caught you smoking heroin in the bathroom you didn't say anything you just pushed past me so I went and found Jeff and I told him you were drunk and high and you needed to go home I didn't hear the whole conversation but I was walking out of the house with Sherri and I saw you push Jeff back

"I'm not using Jeff just leave me the fuck alone and go home!" I heard you yell at him and he told you "look I'm about to go on a beer run I'll take you home and we can talk about it" Jeff was only trying to help you and if you would have let him take you home he would still be here he wouldn't have gone pass the stop sign he would have went the other way remember the last thing you told him? You said

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Go on your stupid beer run Jeff I'd rather walk home then be in a car with you" he tried giving you a hug before he left and you pushed him away you walked home that night with Clay

you are a horrible person kens and I hope people start realizing that when they hear this I hope you feel what I felt what Jeff felt I hate you kensley Foley and if you're listening to this tape and you are not kensley raise hell on her life I want kensley to feel what I felt spread rumors about her tell her horrible things do what you need to do

Word count: 1162

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