1.Lights (1/12)

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the moment you've all (hopefully) been waiting for, the oumasai christmas special!

for now, this book will be absolute fluff, but that has a high chance of changing in the future so i'll be sure to point out any triggering subjects

now that that's confirmed. have a merry december lmao

"on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me;
a partridge in a pear tree~"


Everyone knew how much Ouma loved Christmas. I mean who wouldn't know? In the first week of meeting him you can confirm he has the mindset of a 7 year old child.

But that didn't mean they didn't mind it.

"Yeah, yeah we know asshole. Now come and eat your breakfast." Kaito said and pulled Ouma over to the table with stuffing and cranberry sauce.

"Ugh, fine~" he sat himself down on the seat and began to (messily) eat his breakfast.

The door had opened once more, showing Kiibo and Miu walking in side by side.

"What's up fuckers?" Miu laughed as Kiibo shot some weird bullet from his palm.

"Holy shit!" Rantaro yelled and ducked under the table, the said bullet destroying one of his ahogae's.

"I-I apologize Amami! Miu installed a gun into my system and no matter how much I ask her she won't seem to remove it.." Kiibo bowed at the scared boy.

"Kyahahaha! Why would I get rid of such a fire ass invention!" Miu sneered.

"For once I agree with the pig, do it again Kiiboy!"

"P-pig?? Eeeee~...!"

"Absolutely not!" Kiibo yelled and sat down at his seat. As the minutes went on, everyone seemed to have entered the dining hall and eaten their breakfast.

"Well, since it's the month of jolly traditions, has anyone decided on who their familiar is?~" Angie asked as everyone looked confused.

"She's asking if any of you are getting hooked! I know I am!" Miu glanced to Kaede before continuing to rant on different inventions she'd build for Christmas.

"A..familiar.." Kokichi thought. Maybe this can finally be the time he'd get into Shuichi's pant—

"Cockichi!! You listening? He's still day dreaming about that dick!" Miu waved her hand infront of Kokichi's face making him pull a grin.

"Of course I was listening! Just thinking about ways to finally make you shut up for good!"

"Oh? Tell me more~!" Miu began to drool and Kokichi pushed his seat out and hooped up.

"Nope! I gotta go get ready to hang out with my 'familiar'! Nishishi~" Kokichi than ran out the dining hall.

"He's being real fuckin extra today. Anyway! About my inventions-"


What was Kokichi going to get Shuichi? Did he really have to start thinking about this a month before Christmas? God he was dumb. He's so dumb!

He paced around his room like someone would in a cartoon thinking about anything he could give Shuichi before a knock on his dorm room interrupted his thoughts.

"Hello?~ Anything you nee...eed.."

The shorter stopped to look at Shuichi, who was honestly nailing that Santa had with the face he had.
(The top picture basically)

Shuichi had noticed his staring and began to blush intensely.

"U-uhm..I'm not sure if you want this but it's just an early gift. You don't have to thank me or anything but you c-can if you want. I'm g-gonna go now!"

The embarrassed emo ran off to who know's where, leaving a white and blue wrapped up gift in his hand.

Slowly he closed the door and sat down staring at the gift for a good 10 minutes.

"Th-thats it, I'm worrying over nothing. Kokichi, here you go!" He pep talked himself and opened the lid of the gift.

He was met with a light up bird made out of rainbow tinted glass.

Kokichi blinked and stared at the beautiful little statue. Carefully picking it up as if it would break if he oh so breathed on it.

He was going to throw away the box, but noticed a connectable tree left inside the box with a note saying 'Use me!'

Obeying the small piece of paper and stuck the two glass objects together praying they didn't break.

To the leaders surprise, it did not break, but instead lit the tree up a healthy brown along with grass tinted fruit hanging from some branches.

A partridge in a pear tree.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now