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I almost fainted yesterday how did this go unnoticed O_o

"You're actually going to do something good this year?" Shuichi watched as Kokichi scampered around the room grabbing different things candy bags, boots and a Santa hat.

"No, I'm going to be something good this year! Beside's I'm always in angel." Kokichi said winking at him, Shuichi obviously didn't seem convinced.

When the room suddenly became quiet Shuichi looked up from his book to see Kokichi in some makeshift Santa costume right up in his face.

"A-AHH!! Kokichi what the hell??" Shuichi screamed and almost fell out of his chair.

"Did you just say a naughty word Saihara? Don't make me put you on the bad list!" He said and pulled out a piece of paper with a poorly written "bad kids" on it.



"You look so cute."


They just stared at each other for a while until Shuichi noticed the growing blush on his face being well hidden by the makeshift beard.

"You say that all the time.." He puffed his cheeks out and turned away.

"Cuz it's true~" Shuichi responded and started poking him.

"Weehhh!! Stop! If we don't hurry nobody's gonna get any candy!" Kokichi batted his finger off and grabbed his almost over filled back of candy.

When Shuichi finally got ready, they set off and started with the most familiar people they knew.

"Maki-roll someone's at the door!" A voice from inside says. Kaito.

"Ignore it." Maki.

"But what if it's something like a dog that needs help?" The voice gets closer.

"How could a dog reach our doorbell?"

"Just watch, you'll see—" Kaito pauses when he see's Shuichi standing outside his door.

"Oh hi bro! Whad'ya need?" Shuichi just gestured to look down, when he did there Kokichi stood with a handful of candy in his palms.

"Are these for..me and Maki?" He asked. And not two seconds later did the candy get thrown all in his face, Kokichi booked it while Shuichi followed mouthing 'sorry' over and over again.

"What a weird ass.." Kaito sighed annoyed, but a smile was put on his face when he saw a cookie cat ice cream sandwich. "Ay thanks dude!"
He said and closed the door.

The next house Kokichi would have to be more careful with, so he pulled out a piece of paper.

"What's that for? I thought we were doing this in person." Shuichi questions.

"Trust me, we'll need it."

Right as the house came into view, so did a sign in blinding red saying 'no males allowed.'

Kokichi quickly wrote something down and sneaked it right onto the front of the door, drop some candy and sprinted away.

Right when he was ten feet away and hidden, Tenko came out in a defensive stance but dropped it when she saw a bag of candy.

"Ah! Candy for my beloved Himiko! Thank you Ms.Santa!" She said and closed the door.

I guess she even hates Santa Claus..

"We're almost done, we can't reach everyone since they live too far away. So let's go to Ran-chan's house!" Kokichi laughed and began running off.

"What? No! Not again!" Shuichi yelled and followed after him.

Rantaro was undeniably rich, you could just tell. Luckily that didn't stop him from knowing rich from normal, but that didn't matter when it came to his three story house.

"You've been staring for five minutes now." Shuichi pointed out.

"You can't blame me, just look at these fountains!" Kokichi started playing around with the functions turning the lights in the water red, blue and a bunch of other colors.

"Hands off, hands off!"Shuichi pulled him off and walked towards the door, it didn't seem so big at first but god damn. He really is rich.

Shuichi reluctantly ringed the doorbell and waited. A second seemed to fly by before a butler appeared at the door and immediately tried to close it.

"Hold it right there butt-ler!" Kokichi stopped the door with his foot. "Me and my boyfriend need to give my friend Amami an amazing gift before Christmas! You wouldn't stop me from doing that would you?" He explained and gave the guy puppy dog eyes.

"....Yes." He said and again tried to close the door.

"What's going on here?" Another voice comes in and Kokichi pries his way through the huge door.

"Ran-chan~" Kokichi whined and gave him a hug making Shuichi feel jealous.

"Oh hey Ouma, what's with the Santa get up? And what's in the bag..?" Rantaro asked getting more skeptical.

The butler sighed and walked off knowing he couldn't avoid letting them talk.

"Well~ I've been going around and giving gifts to everyone of my classmates in the world!" Kokichi cheered.

"Really? Even to Kirumi who's literally in Russia." Rantaro said and played along.

"Yep, she made me Vice President for being so good."

"Ahem." Shuichi coughed into his hand signaling to hurry up.

"Oh right! Merry Christmas my beloved Ran-chan!" Kokichi waved him goodbye and gave him his own portion of candy, which was half the bag..

After their goodbyes and Shuichi and Kokichi getting home safely, Kokichi was convinced to finally take off the heavy clothing.

"Phew, that was harder than I thought." Kokichi huffed and flopped on the couch.

"Yeah.." Shuichi sighed and didn't face him.

Lucky for Shuichi, Kokichi wasn't stupid. So he walked up to him and gave Shuichi a big surprise hug.

"I can sense when you're jealous Shumai~" Kokichi laughed.

"So what if I am?" Shuichi pulled him around to hug him back.

"Than I'll attack him with a-thousand kisses! Be prepared to die!"

They spent the rest of the night kissing and eating excessive amounts of candy.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now