7.Popcorn (7/12)

88 7 14

"on the seventh day of christmas my true love gave to me;
seven swans-a-swimming
six geese-a-laying
𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘
four calling birds
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

"You wanna..what?"

Kokichi honestly wanted to crawl under a table and tell Shuichi to forget what he said, knocking him out with a bat just incase. But that would be cowardly of him, wouldn't it? So he just repeated what he said but quieter.

"Go on another date with me...?" He hated how shy he sounded, he never sounds like that!

"Oh my god." What? What does that mean?

"That's so cute! I've never heard you sound like that ever, you're adorable." Shuichi hugged Kokichi into his chest faster than he could
keep his footing causing him to land almost right into his face, jesus fuck!

"A-agh!! Well why wouldn't I be! I n-need to look good to lure people into joining my organization!" Kokichi tried to shake off the ever so maddening blush on his face, but that only made it worse.

A minute or two later Shuichi finally let him go and apologized, "S-sorry, yeah I'll go on a date with you. But that was so cute." He blushed and fiddled with his hair.

Ok, good. His Shuichi is back.

"It's ok! I know nobody can resist me! Now why don't we all go to the park before it gets dark. I'm sure you don't want the boogeyman or something to snatch us up!" Kokichi snickered and ran out to the front doors.

"W-wait already? Let me get ready first!!"


"Don't worry Saiibo Jr. you may have almost gotten broken yesterday, but I'll always be sure to bring you back!" Kiibo spoke to the goose cookie as if it would respond back to him.

And Kiibo took it that way, "I agree, Kokichi could be a bit nicer. For now I have to go attend maintenance with Miu, don't go anywhere!" The robot pat the cookie on its flat little gingerbread head and left his dorm.

~ With Miu ~

"What." Miu groaned and got off of a blushing Kiibo.

"W-what do you mean what! This is perfectly normal behavior!" Kiibo tried to defend himself and Miu was having none of it.

"No, no it's not! That's called attachment issues small dick! This is so fuckin dumb, c'mon we're gonna go get rid of that piece of shit right now!" Miu stood up and stomped out her lab with Kiibo trailing behind her.

"No!! Not Saiibo Jr!!" Kiibo cried.

"You're right, no more Saiibo Jr dick!" She ignored him and snatched Kiibo's key to unlock his door, once she saw the cookie on his nightstand she snatched it while accidentally snapping its neck off. That didn't really matter as she just attempted to throw both pieces out the window.

"Nooo!!!" Kiibo began crying some sort of tear-like solution and curled up on the floor.

Miu's gaze softened and bent down to pick Kiibo up, "Tch, you'll get over it soon small dick. Let me show you actual normal behavior." She said and led him out the room.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now