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"Look! I made a snowman out of you!"


"I buried the cat in our neighbors yard!"


"It tasted good too, may eat some later."

"Ok...wait, what?"

"There you are!" Kokichi smiled and jumped off Shuichi's lap. "Now that you're out of lala land can we go outside?"

"But why? It's so cold out there.." Shuichi argued and sipped his hot chocolate.

"That the point, we're supposed to go outside and get cold in the snow. Please~" Kokichi begged.

"Alright..but only for ten minutes or else you may get a cold." Shuichi sighed in defeat.

"Yay lets go!"

When the two were finally ready to get out the house, Kokichi was making a snowman while Shuichi seemed to be shivering to death.

"Why're so cold? You have three jackets on!"

"I-I-I c-can't h-h-help i-it.." Shuichi stuttered as he spoke.

"Aw, fine..here! Take mine!"

"B-but you n-need it, although i-it is helping.."

"There you go! Now you know what comes next?" Kokichi asked with an excited look.

"Oh please no."

"Snowball fight!" The shorter cackled and threw at least ten of those huge fuckers per second, effectively covering his boyfriend in snow.

"A-ahh! Ouma no!" Shuichi cried as more and more snow covered his field of vision.

"Nishishi~ now you really are a snow man." Kokichi teased, sitting parallel to his lap.

"..." A moment of silence threw the other into worry.

"Saihara? Are you in the—"

Right before Kokichi finished his sentence Shuichi popped up and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Wahhh!! Lemme go!"

"Nope, now I'm gonna turn you into a snowman for revenge!" Shuichi smiled and pulled him back down to where he was buried.

"Eeeeheek!! Save me!" Kokichi whined and wriggled around in his grasp, but were both covered in piles of snow.

"Are you satisfied?" Shuichi asked tired out.

"Nope." Kokichi answered back in a heart beat. "I still need to make a godzilla snow man out of gold snow."

Shuichi gave him a skeptical look and shook his head, "We should go back inside before one of us really does get a..a..achoo!"

They made a bit of eye contact and a smile unrealistically possible appeared on the latter's face.

"Don't worry Saihara, you're safe in my hands~" The house would surely burn down...

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now