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Trigger Warning?: Night Terrors and Crying, dw Kokichi is okay in the end

Where is everybody? Why was it so dark? In all honesty the fear stuck with him when it should've went away a long time ago.

Maybe he just had to open his eyes..

In front of him stood many white figures all with the same horrific smile. Then he realized that was his own reflection in fragmented pieces.

"Why so scared, Kokichi?" One of them spoke.

"I-Im not—" Kokichi began trembling.

"Yeah, why are you? I thought Ultimate Supreme Leaders weren't scared of anything. How disappointing." Another one spoke.

The rest started agreeing in a chant of names from 'disappointment' to shattering his title.

Kokichi couldn't take it anymore, just make it stop. Please make it stop.

"Hhhg..iixxhhhh..." Kokichi jumped up faster than he could handle and tumbled back onto the bed. What in the fuck.

His breathing was erratic and ugly, fat tears streamed down his face.

Slowly, he started to walk. Having no idea where his feet were carrying him. It just felt like the right way to go.

Out the room, down the hall and stairs. After taking a left, soft singing was heard.

"It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay. you're not a monster, just a human that you made of your mistakes." The voice was soft, gentle and quite oblivious to the small boy watching him. The person the voice belonged to seemed to be sitting right by their fire place.

"Shuichi?.." Kokichi whimpered, not loud enough to alert him.

"It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay
You're not grouse, I'm just human
That you made of your mistakes
It's alright, oh
It's okay, oh.."

The humming, the warmth. Unknowingly, Kokichi's mind was for now taken off the night terror and glued on to the other.

I've thrown a brick right through the window
My life ignored the signals
I am high and drunk on ego
Can't see straight
So I just feel my way around man
I am touching, I am grabbing
Everything I can't be havin'
I am broken down in shame
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay
You're not a demon, there's a reason
You're behaving that way
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay
And I believe, yes I believe
That you will see a better day
It's alright, oh
It's okay, oh
It's alright, oh.."

A moment of silence.

Kokichi's eyes flickered open. When did they close? He assumed Shuichi was done singing for now.

"You seemed pretty scared when you came down here, what was it about?" Huh?

Kokichi looked up, and behold it all he was in Shuichi's arms. It took all of his well being just to not flare up into a million little ashes.

"Right, you don't have to talk about it.." Shuichi coughed. The sound of fire cracking in the background kept uncomfortable silence at bay.

"D-did you like the singing?" Shuichi suddenly asked.

"Hmm? Shuichi wants to know what I thought of his thinking voice? It was so stinky! I swear I was gonna puke!" Kokichi giggled.

Shuichi just smiled and went along with the lie, the truth was obvious.

"Hey..go back to sleep. I promise you won't get any nightmares this time." He swore and laid Kokichi on the couch.

No protests could be made, only a measly "I love you" and everything went back.

But just as promised, he had no more nightmares. He wasn't scared anymore.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now