3.Poinsettia (3/12)

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"the third day of christmas my true love gave to me;
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

"what the fuck?"

kokichi and miu always seemed to be in some sort of fight, no matter what the situation. but that's just their sort of get up. and it doesn't mean they can't be friends.

which is why kokichi is venting to miu about shuichi with his head on an arm rest.

"i know right? i mean i know i threw up and stuff but they were still really good. i just dunno why he's being so..so—"



they both stopped talking and looked each other in the eyes like someone just died.

when miu's shocked face slowly turned into a smile kokichi groaned. "don't.."



"hell fuckin' yeah! i knew you wanted his dick in your ass-ow!!" miu whined when kokichi pinched her ear and sighed.

"sh-shut up dumbass. anyway, i gotta get him back! no one seduces the ultimate supreme leader without a fight!" he yelled and ran out the room, ignoring miu's calls.

while running through the hall like an idiot, he managed to bump into someone, causing him to fall hard on his ass.


"hmp.. are you alright brave soldier?"

kokichi looked up to see some weird guy in a red scarf, that held some swarm of hamsters in them. his hair also in some odd fashion in black and white.

"who the?" kokichi muttered and jumped when another voice filled the halls.

"w-wait damnit! you run way too fast!"

kokichi sat up, ignoring the hand held out to him to dust himself off. after that the leader peered behind the other to see some guy with pink hair in another stupid ass outfit.

"i apologize, but i just happened to run into someone new here. will thy introduce yourself?" he turned to kokichi and he just tilted his head.

"what?" he responded dumbly.

"u-uhm, he's asking for your name..i'm souda kazuichi! ultimate mechanic! and this is gundham tanaka ultimate breeder!" he introduced him and the other with a smile. since when were people's teeth so sharp?

"nishishi~ well isn't that so? korekiyo shinguji, ultimate anthropologist at your service!" he smiled and put his hand to his head in a salute motion.

"huh? but we already met someone like that back there? oh well, i guess ya'll are twins are something. we're gonna be going now, so if you need me just call!" he said and waved him goodbye.

wait, did he seriously just believe him——

"ugh, godammit you fuckin' shota get back here!"

kokichi whipped his head around to see that bitch panting and sweating trying to catch up to him which made him smile.

"wow~ i-frog ran all the way over here just to see me?"

"i-frog?" she scowled.

"it's your nickname now! i should make it miu-pig you skank!" he said as miu began to droll.

"heee~ s-shut the fuck up! anyway, shoeitchy wanted to give you something..so he told me to get you! better get ready for your booty call!" miu sneered as kokichi blushed and rolled his eyes.

"yeah yeah, run off skank.."



"welll~ whad'ya want me here for shui?" kokichi smiled as he saw shuichi refused to move his hands from behind his back.

"w-well, um.. i wanted to—"


the two stood still for a moment before kokichi blinked and peered over shuichi's side to see—

"you bought a chicken?!" he gasped and grabbed the kettle holding it with one hand.

"careful! and that's a hen. and there's uhm..three." shuichi looked down.

just as he said that, two baby chicks appeared from behind the mother."

"the new students that enrolled here happened to have a class pet and wanted to show it to us. so i decided to give them to you first."
he explained and kokichi's eyes narrowed.

"and you're trusting me why?" he asked.

"b-because you're my fa—"

"look! they're they are! i told you they had chickens here!"

and like that, their alone time ended. but kokichi wasn't an idiot, he knew what the other was going to say and it made it all the more embarrassing.

"what're their names?" kaede asked as she admired the mothers offspring.

"i heard the mom's name is freedom. sort of ironic right now.." rantaro laughed.

"the babies don't have names? who's gonna name them?"

loud fighting of deciding who was going to name them broke out between the students. it's crazy how riled up they got over a chicke- hen.

silently, shuichi nudged kokichi and gave him the kettle.

"you can name them.." he whispered and kokichi looked down at them for a second.

"nahh~ i'm naming this one panta! you name the other!" kokichi giggled and handed it back to shuichi.

"fine then. uhm.. poinsettia?" he said in more of a question.

"why poinsettia?"

"because they remind me of how cute you look when you blush."

and kokichi died.

...at least he wished he did, his face was as red as fuck.

ouma shook off the blush and sighed, looking down at the family.

three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now