6.Gingerbread (6/12)

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"the sixth day of christmas my true love gave to me;
six geese-a laying
𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘
four calling birds
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

"Alright everyone! I know you all may be a little tired, but I've come up with the perfect way to get us closer together this Christmas!" Kaede smiled.

The rest of the gathered class were all tired, eyes drooping and some already asleep.

"That's actually a pretty great idea, lay it on me!" Kaito stood up ready to help.

"How can you all be so energetic this early in the morning? I'm about to drop dead right now." Maki hissed wanting to go back to bed, it was 6 am in the morning for gods sake.

"A cold shower usually does the trick." Kaito laughed and scratched the back of his neck, some people looked at him disgusted.

"E-enough of that. Anyway, we're going to be making gingerbread cookies!" Kaede announced.

"Safely." Kaede finished glaring at Kokichi who sat down with a huff.

"That's why I requested Kirumi to help!" She ran over to grab the maids gloved hand.

"You did?"

"As of right now yes!"

"Here we go again.." Hoshi groaned and threw his cigarette in the trash.


"Since we'll be dealing with ovens and knives today, I'll assign you all into pairs." Kirumi wrote everyones name on a strip of paper and used Shuichi's hat to shuffle them up.

"H-hey where did she get my hat?" Shuichi jumped and just got shushed by everyone else.

The pairs ended up being:
Miu and Kokichi
Maki and Korekiyo
Rantaro and Himiko
Angie and Ryoma
Kiibo and Shuichi
Tsumugi and Kaede
Kaito and Kirumi
Gonta and Tenko

"O-oh no. Oh hell no! You better not do anything to Himiko with your nasty uhm...meat fingers!" Tenko walked up to Rantaro in a fighting stance.

"Uh, sure." He smiled as everyone got with their partners.

Everyone else seemed happy with what they got, except for Maki trying to keep as far away as she could from Korekiyo along with Miu and Kokichi throwing insults at each other.

"Take your seats and please don't touch any cooking utensils until it's safe." Kirumi spoke and passed out cookie cut outs and ingredients.

"Uh, why is the gingerbread already cooked? I wanted to make one into a dick so it'll be just like Miu!"

Miu scoffed and whipped her head over to Kokichi who just laughed at her.

"Oh..well, uh—I just thought it'd be faster instead of waiting 1 week for everything to finish." Kaede answered.

"One week?! What sort of cookies were you looking for??"

While Kirumi attempted to at least guide the class, everyone ended up using the cut out cookies on the gingerbread and making a mess of the red, white and green icing.

"Uugh..the snowman cut out broke. Which ones are left?" Tsumugi asked.

"Oooh~ the maiden goose! Atua tells me this was meant to happen." Angie picked up the goose cut out that had undeniably been ignored the whole time.

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