10.Ribbon (10/12)

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(This is a late update due to finals! Sorry to worry you all)

"on the tenth day of christmas my true love gave to me;
ten lords-a-leaping
nine ladies dancing
eight maids-a-milking
seven swans-a-singing
six geese-a-laying
𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘
four calling birds
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

Kaede, Maki, Angie and Tsumugi looked in the dining hall to make sure the newly wed couple were gone. Once sure of there safety, they stepped into a kitchen to fulfill their devious intensions.

"This is useless, can you please let me go back to my room?" Maki swatted Kaede's hand away from her wrist.

"No! If you stay in there any longer you'll become a hermit. We are going on a girls night no matter what." Kaede told her and began searching through the pantries.

"Atua says you need to relax! You're going to get back pains if you keep slouching like that!" Angie backed Kaede up and opened the mini fridge.

"Champagne?" Korekiyo asked, sitting in the freezer.

"Champagne." She said back.

"What the fuc—"

"I hear people coming! Go, go, go!" Tsumugi alerted them, causing everyone (Kaede and Angie) to dash out the dining room. Maki being dragged against her will.

"Wait a minute, where's our a Champagne?" Kaede looked around to see nobody had it.

All eyes turned to Angie who seemed to not mind all eyes on her, "Oops! It seems I've forgot it!"

Kaede face palmed.


"And then she kissed me! I had no idea what to do, so I just ran away. I think she's mad at me now." Kiibo confessed to Kirumi while walking down the hall.

"That..is understandable. Most people freeze up in times like that, you can apologize later." She consoled him.

"You're right. I'm going to add that to my list of things that make me human." Kiibo said and took out his notebook.

Just when they opened the doors, Kiibo swore he heard some hushed whispers and shuffling.

"Is anyone here?" The robot called out, no response.

"What in the world?" Kirumi picked up a bottle of what seemed to be Champagne.

"We aren't even legally old enough to drink. Why's this here?" Kiibo asked himself.


"Maybe because they were planning on drinking it even under the circumstances!" He unknowingly cut Kirumi off.

"Ah, yes. That was what I was going to—"

"Not now Kirumi, we need to find who would do this!" And with that, Kiibo went off. Kirumi decided to follow not knowing what he would do on his own.

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