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I'm gonna pull a stunt and make this based off a story I read a while ago
ehehehe, oh btw does anyone want a Q&A??

With Kokichi and Miu:

Miu looked at Kokichi like he had just shot a dog or something, was he fucking serious?

"What? Why're you looking at me like that?" Kokichi snarled at her.

"N-nothing! It's just, you're really willing to go so far for this fucker aren't you?" Miu sighed, putting down her wrench.

"Of course I am! Now put this shit together already, it's almost midnight!"



"Here you go asshole."

Miu turned to mush on the floor, tired from her hard work. While she gasped for air Kokichi was marveling at the soft fabric of his scarf on Shuichi's gift.

Kokichi's scarf was barely even a part of it. High tech and clean, light features made him the makeshift bag. Specifically made to hold detective tools. He was confident Shuichi would carry this to his grave(not really, but you get the point).

"Thank you hoe bro~" Kokichi snickered and left her lab.

With Shuichi and Kaito:

"You sure about this bro?"

Shuichi had put all his beloved tools into a bag and tied them up. Most detectives weren't attached to their tools like this, it was so dumb. But these were so expensive! Of course Shuichi would sacrifice them for the one he loved.

"Absolutely. Give these to Junko by tonight." Shuichi confirmed for him and passed him the bag.

Basically the deal was to sell all the tools (that he could replace later) to Junko so he could buy Kokichi a rack for his special scarfs.

"...Alright dude. Why me, that chick is crazy." Kaito shivered and left to find her.


"Oooh, it's you! You got the goods?" Junko smiled and switched personalities.

"S-sure just pass over the money." Kaito's voice quivered a bit as he spoke.

"Here you go!" She announced and there was the high abundance of cash she promised.

Just to be sure Kaito flipped through the stack and put it in his jacket.

"And by the way..if you're ever feeling a bit freaky feel free to hit me up!" She waved him goodbye and left giggling.

Kaito swore she was blushing and noped the fuck out of there.

"Thanks, I don't think I could handle her myself." Shuichi told Kaito, taking the money.

"It's on me dude, have a nice Christmas!" Kaito waved him and left. Oh boy would he.

In their dorm:

"Shushi! Are you are—oh!" Kokichi gasped when he was engulfed in a surprise hug.

"Gochu~" Shuichi cooed and twirled him around before setting him down.

"How'd your day go?" He asked and Kokichi snorted.

"As good as you could expect. That bitch was so slow at making your gift." Oops.

"My what?" Kokichi grimaced in his stupid mistake, he could practically feel the smile above him.

"Hmph, why do you sound so surprised? Of course I would give my Shushi a gift on Christmas! Don't tell me you forgot to get me something." Kokichi sulked.

"Obviously!" Shuichi blushed at him.

"Than show it to me, oh even better! We'll do it at the same time okay? Go get yours!"


Shuichi's gift was wrapped in a purple and blue stripped theme, ironically with magnifying glasses all over it. Kokichi's was..wrapped? If you could call it in a thin layer of red and green wrapping paper. He most likely had no one to teach him that.

"That's..not wrapped right." Shuichi pointed out.

"And? You can't see it can you? That means it's still a gift!" Well he isn't wrong.

"Okay, let's do it on three. One..three!" Kokichi cut ahead and ripped his off as fast as he could.

"W-wait you skipped two!" Shuichi hurried to unwrap his as well.

There sat in front of them two gifts rendered absolutely useless because of the sacrifices made to get them.

"Is this for my...?" Kokichi and Shuichi rendered in sync.

"So I did all that for nothing?" Kokichi said, his eyes tearing up.

"Oh please, I'm sure you asked Miu to make you that."

"True..but since these have absolutely no use now, you wanna go spend it so we can buy a nintendo switch?"

"Fine, you little idiot."

Oh my late chapters—

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