4.Snow(man) 4/12)

106 7 1

"the fourth day of christmas my true love gave to me;
four calling birds
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

"Stop throwing snow balls on me."

"Than at least lighten up a little— grk!"

"Holy shit, Izuru stop! yield!"

The class of V3 watched as the new students interacted in the foot deep snow. The weather forecast didn't think that the snow would settle in so quick. But they're usually wrong anyway.

"What the hell are they doing? They're gonna catch a cold." Maki sighed in disappointment.

"Since you seem to care so much, I suggest you call them in for hot chocolate. They look scarily pale.." Kirumi instructed, setting down hot cocoa over the chairs.

"Grrhh..." She hissed and walked out the room without another word.

"I'll do it Mommy!" Kokichi yelled and ran out the dining hall, quickly getting to the courtyard.

"Shit, he's fast." Miu said surprised.

~ And now with Kokichi ~

"Hey, hey, hey! Izuru-chan!!!" The gremlin yelled and threw himself onto Izuru, only to pick him up like a kitten and throw him on Nagito.

"Izuru.." Hajime rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Oh, hello Kokichi-kun! Anything new today? Hopefully some newfound hope?" He spoke, face first into the snow.

"Nope! But there iss some new found hot cocoa, so c'mon!" Ouma got up and dragged the three back inside.

"I'm back Mom!"

"Good, I hope you three were alright out there, it's not a good idea to stay out their for too long." Kirumi sighed, passing them their own drinks.

"Don't worry, trash like me is just a dump fire..." Nagito giggled to himself, getting a few weird looks.

"You're making yourself sound like an idiot, shut up." Izuru stated flatly.

"My bad, my bad..it's just that all you ultimates are so much better than—"

The rest of the words to Kokichi were tuned out, as he stared out the thick, snowy window. He swore he heard something but wasn't sure what it was. So being the sneaky little shit he is, he snuck out the conversation to investigate the noises.

"Hello? You know it's not very nice to intimidate the birds. They might think you're real and eat yo—"

The words that were coming out his mouth were never going to be finished, as his eyes laid upon four shivering birds laying in the heavy snow.


Well, they obviously couldn't take in any more class pets than they already have. So he'd work it out when he got inside.

Once he got back inside, he swore his temperature dropped about 10 degrees. But that would put him in the hospital surely, so in short he just wanted to drop dead.

He quietly ran through the empty halls, only to find his shoulders grabbed out of nowhere making him squeak and almost drop the birds.

"D-dammit! What is it- oh heyyy!!" Kokichi immediately fixed himself up when he saw Kirumi with that 'What the fuck' face.

"Show me your hands, now." She growled and Kokichi showed her his hands out of the fear of losing his soul. Curse her and her mother-ness.

Thankfully, her eyes soften at the sight. And she takes the birds nest from him and tells him to come along with her.

"Huh? Where are you taking me? I have places to be!" Kokichi whined trying to get away.

Kirumi didn't respond and just kept walking, soon they over heard more voices coming from the common room.

"Holy shit dude get your fucking bear it's trying to kill Hmme!"

"Preposterous, the almighty spirit bear is against all laws of murder, accept its embrace!"

It was Kaito and that other guy. What was his name?

"Excuse me." Kirumi cleared her throat, bring the attention of the ultimate breeder. Kaito being too distracted by the bear he claimed to be trying to bite his dick off.

"Hm? What business does the ultimate maid have with me?" He asked, not bothering to help Kaito.

She explained that Kokichi found the astray birds lying helpless in the snow without a mother, so he thought for a moment before (gently) grabbing them.

"I see, I will make sure each of these parched Eagles soar another day! Gundam bids you goodbye." He seemed sincere when talking about the birds, but still left in his all-knowing aura.

"I'm sure we can trust him to take care of those birds, I can tell you still seem worried." She spoke and left the two in the room.

Just as Kokichi was about to leave, another shout made him turn his heel.

Oh yeah..

"A-are you just gonna leave me here?! Help!" He screeched, running in circles.

"How did that even happen?" Kokichi laughed.

"I was trying to greet the asshole and he just pulled his bear out on me! Now get over here before I lose my balls!" Kaito began crying as Kokichi thought.

"Hmm~ ok!" Instead of actually going over there, he just began taking pictures of him almost dying.

He knew Kaito would beat his ass once he got free, but this was way to good to pass up. At least for now his mind was off the birds..

four calling birds
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree

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