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Can you tell I've run out of Christmas pictures?

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"Stop asking that, you're almost there."

"But I feel like I'm going blind! Stranger danger!"

Shuichi rolled his eyes and removed his hands from Kokichi's eyes. The sight to behold was their very own decorated Christmas tree sitting in all its glory with a few presents underneath.

"Shuichi! What'd I tell you about giving me anything this Christmas.?" Kokichi pouted and turned around to bear hug him.

"You complained about sending your organization after me to steal all my clothes, which is basically impossible." He said and hugged him back.

"Hmph! Fine! I need to be showered in gifts anyway!" Kokichi blushed and marched over to the pile of gifts.

Not to anyone's surprise, Kokichi's Christmas list comprised of stuff mostly kids would rather play with. Ranging from a very expensive high quality coloring book to a Nintendo 3DS.

"Woah! These are all so amazing! Where'd you get the money for this?" Kokichi swooned and gave him a few neck kisses.

"I know a guy." Shuichi reassured him and directed his vision to the last present in the corner.

"Hm? I almost missed this." Kokichi mumbled. Unwrapping the gift with nimble fingers, under the layer looked to be a delicate looking bear with a checkered scarf. Just like his.

"Huh? What toy is this? Maybe it's a voodoo doll so Saihara can control me in anyway he likes?" Kokichi smiled mischievously.

Shuichi shook his head and turned the white furred bear around to reveal a small button right under its nape.

Upon pressing it played a tune. It sounded familiar to Kokichi, but he couldn't put his finger on it until Shuichi gave him a bit of the song.

"When you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs.."

Kokichi snorted and playfully pushed Shuichi from off his back knowing he'd always be extra when singing.

"Give your heart and soul to me and life will always be la vie en rose~" He finished off and the music stopped.

"You know that's my favorite song." Kokichi smiled at him.

"And do you know who my favorite person is?" Shuichi asked.



And with that Shuichi tackled Kokichi onto the ground and smothered each other with kissed.

"A-agh! I can't breathe!" When Kokichi wheezed that out is when Shuichi got off him and gave him one last kiss on the forehead.

"Merry Christmas." He whispered.

"Merry Christmas, Shuichi."

"And a very Merry Christmas to all of you!" Kokichi winked and blew a kiss.

"Who're you talking to?"

"Nishishi~ don't you worry your pretty little head about it."

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now