
56 3 3

Shuichi become Deer
Give up on humanity
Become furry

"Goodnight Kichi, don't stay up too late tonight." Kokichi's Mom told his and kissed him on the forehead making Kokichi cringe and wipe it off.

"Mom stop it! I'm not a kid anymore!...But I will." He smiled at her as they said their goodnights.

Alas for Kokichi, he did not plan on sleeping early tonight. For he had something very important to do. Kokichi excitedly jumped over his bed and peered out the window.

He's not there..

Kokichi whined and plopped on the floor. Did the mythical creature forget him? He wouldn't be surprised. They only met once a whole year ago. He should just go to bed an—



The noise continues for a minute or two until a light grunt is heard from the window. Kokichi instantly jumps up and opens the window to see that same reindeer he saw last year.

"Shusai!" He wrapped his arms around the deers bulky neck and giggled when a wet, sandpaper tongue gives him animal kisses along his cheek.

"I missed you too, but you have to be quiet. My Mom is next door." Kokichi put a finger over his mouth and invited the reindeer inside.

"Two for yes, one for no?" The boy asked and got an agreeable nod.

"Hmm...is Santa real?" Shuichi seemed to roll his eyes and not answer. "Oh come on, you never answered me last year either! I thought we were friends." Kokichi pouted and got under the covers.

"Hmm, is it because you want me to figure it out myself?" Two stomps.

"Makes sense, I'll find out some day~ Oh! Another one! Do reindeer have to eat magic hay to be able to fly?" Another two stomps.

"Can I eat some?" One stomp.

"You're right, it would probably taste like cat food." Kokichi scoffed.

The two conversed through yes or no questions in the quiet night. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. Soon enough the sun began rising.

"Aw..you have to go so soon?" Kokichi stifled a yawn and tried to look like he wasn't going to fall out any second.

Against his will, Shuichi softly pushed Kokichi into bed and tucked him under the cover

"I'm gonna miss you Shuichi, don't go..." he looked like he was going to cry.

Kokichi's eyes were so heavy, he's never been this tired before. He's not sure if it was just his imagination but right before he drifted off to sleep, a sweet voice was heard.

"I promise, I'll never leave you. Merry Christmas Ouma."

Tbh I'm pretty pissed right now I just lost 3 of my best pokemon and a shiny I'm gonna go cry

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now