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Trigger Warning: Suicidal Ryoma

Song - Mihka x Kyoto Black - Kodokushi

しみ に してる せ

In the High school of Gifted Juveniles lived sixteen students, each with diverse and unique talents alike. Despite being so different, a time like this always brought everyone together.


Well..sort of..

All the students sat with perfect attendance at the dining hall, all eating peacefully until a certain astronaut and supreme leader decided it was a good idea to play one man chicken in the halls.

"Nishishi~ don't go chasing me and being a sore loser just cause you can't fight like a man!" Kokichi taunted him and mocked a chicken.

"No you little shit, you ripped my jacket!" Kaito growled and showed his very obviously ripped clothing.

"Not my fault!" Kokichi smiled and put his hands off, running away.

"If it makes you feel better I can sew it up for you! Although it may not be as great as before, plain old me can barely to her ultimate talent right." Tsumugi offered him.

"Don't say that, I'm sure you'll do good at it." Kaede encouraged her to get up.

"Thanks Moogi, I knew I could count on you! Hey could you do me a solid and stitch that assholes mouth shut too— ow!!" Kaito said and whined when he got hit in the face by a spoon.

"Shut up idiot. Though that doesn't sound like a bad idea." Maki mused at the idea of finally getting some vengeance.

"Hey, hey, hey! Now that's not the right way to go talking about your fellow classmates!"

A symphony of groans and a very prominent of 'Stupid degenerate bear' flowed through the room as a very well known black and white bear made his appearance.

"Waaah? Don't greet me like that you guys! I'm here for a very special reason!" Monokuma huffed.

"Which is? The last time you waddled your fat little ass over here it was to try and make us kill each other!" Miu yelled and held a finger to her throat.

"Oh please! I'm here because I'm announcing this places very first New Years Party!" Monokuma cheered and his children did too. When did they get here?

"A party? Nyeh, why would anyone want to go to a party and not sleep? That sounds way too noisy." Himiko complained.

"A-ah! But it doesn't sound too bad. We could get to know each other even more!" Kiibo suggested and got some nods in agreement.

"It's a deal then! The party's at 8pm, if you aren't there you're dead!" Monokuma ordered and left out of thin air.

I'm looking for someone to hold
Someone to care
Someone who's there

"Nishi..Ishi..phew!" Kokichi wheezed and finally slowed down his running when he was sure that Kaito wasn't following him anymore.

"Sheesh, for an idiot he sure does have a lot of stamina." Kokichi admit and kept walking along with his upbeat attitude.

Really he didn't expect to be greeted with a chance of getting a black eye after opening his door but that's alright! The fact he could handle any foreseen obstacle makes him that much more of an ultimate supreme leader!

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now