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When you have to double upload again: 🤠

"I'm not going to take too long he said."

"Just calm down, I'll be back quickly he said."

Kokichi was angrily rambling while walking around in circles inside the living room. Shuichi went to the store to get groceries and it'd been 2 hours! He said 10 minutes dammit!

His ADHD wasn't making this any better. His brain quickly ran out of things to do and began searching for the smallest bit of entertainment.

"I'm gonna die..." Kokichi whined and melted onto the floor, just lying there.

"You're gonna what?"

Kokichi perked up just like a dog when he heard that voice, "Shumai!!" He squealed and knocked him over.

"A-argh! Kokichi, get off! The bread!" Shuichi squirmed on the floor.

When he got up, the bread was successfully squished into fat little pieces.

"Kokichi.." Shuichi groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry~ I was so bored without you, you said you'd be back quick. You promised!" Kokichi bat his small little fists against his chest.

"I didn't mean too, the line was held up and I couldn't find some things. Want me to make it up to you?" Shuichi caressed his hair.

A smile came on his face, "Make it up to me?~" Shuichi stiffened knowing this was a stupid idea when it came to Kokichi.

"We go out and buy a tree!" Oh.

"Huh, that's..surprisingly tame. Ok, let's go." Shuichi smiled and watched Kokichi put on his shoes to go.


"So what're you thinking on?" Shuichi asked looking at a few evergreen trees at least his height.

He turned his head for a second since Kokichi didn't respond, and another time when the silence set in.

"Kokichi?" He peered around for a bit and almost fainted when he heard a scream.


Shuichi quickly ran to the sound of a very familiar voice singing the "Camp Camp" theme song. Shuichi found him on top of the tallest tree in the middle of the mall with Security Guards surrounding him. The tree was about 15 feet too.

"Sir do you know this man?" A security guard asked him when he saw Shuichi calling his boyfriends name.

"Y-yes, that's my boyfriend." He explained.

"Well you're going to have to convince him to get it down. We don't want to do anything by force." The guard told him and went off to tell people to keep walking.

Shuichi took a deep breath and walked up to the tree. "KOKICHI! GET DOWN!" He screamed as loud as he could.

"A place where you and I can stay
where we can go to laugh and- oh hi Shumai~ what's wrong?" Kokichi asked.

"What's wrong is that you're on top of a tree making a scene in a mall when you promised to buy a Christmas tree, get down!" Shuichi told him and repeated himself.

"I would but~"



"Don't tell me you're stuck." Shuichi groaned and facepalmed.

"Ok I won't." Kokichi giggled and let out a squeak when he almost lost his grip.

"Why did you even climb up there?"

"Because you never pay attention to me anymore." Kokichi gripped onto the makeshift tree tighter.

"Really? You know you could've asked." Shuichi said.

"I know, but it's hard when you're sitting on that stupid chair all day! It's not good for your ass." Kokichi smirked.

Shuichi blushed and shook his head, "J-just get down."

"I mean, I did say I was stuck but it doesn't hurt to try. Weee!!" Kokichi slid down the tree at an extreme speed.

"Wait what no!" Shuichi panicked and caught him before he hit the ground.

"You caught me~" Kokichi giggled and squirmed in his hands.

"And you've got caught. Here you go." A security guard popped up and gave Shuichi a ticket.

"Two hundred!..." Shuichi's eyes widened and hissed, "Kokichi."

"My bad, my bad! I'll make it up to you..somehow."

Thankfully Shuichi didn't get banned or anything, so they went home without buying a tree.

"Kokichi, where are you now?" Shuichi asked already being settled on the couch with a book.

Like he was listening, a big tree entered the room through their window and onto the floor.

"Holy shit! Kokichi?!" Shuichi watched wide eyed as Kokichi pushed the rest of it into the place and set it up right. It was perfectly trimmed.

"I told you I'd make it up to you, so I did! Do you forgive me?" Kokichi said and crawled on his lap.

"I was never mad at you in the first place. But you didn't..need to do this." Shuichi stared at the gigantic tree.

"Yes I did! It's big just like your heart! Now let's make dinner, I'm hungry from being an asshole all day." Kokichi giggled and ran in the kitchen.

'Dammit Kokichi, no matter how much trouble you cause I just can't seem to stop loving you.' Shuichi thought and got up to make some Miso soup.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now