27.Hot Chocolate

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"You know how I always make hot chocolate with water?"

Shuichi spit out his coffee and looked at the other, "You what?"

"You didn't know?" Kokichi asked embarrassed.

"Who does that!" Shuichi exclaimed.

"Hush! Not the point!" Kokichi sighed and took a breath in, "I wanna try making it with actual milk."

"Oh." Shuichi blinked. "That sound safe enough."

"Safe! I'm not gonna burn the house down with a cup of chocolate!" Kokichi refuted.

"But you did with the noodles."

"We don't talk about the noodles." He whispered offended and got up to go to the kitchen. "I can do this myself dammit.."


"Ok, this is supposed to be easy, right?" Kokichi prep talked himself.

"I'll just pour some milk in here and put it in the microwave. That'll work."

About a minute and a half later, hot milk was in the jug. "Aha! I told him it would work." Kokichi poured the chocolate mix and marshmallows in the cup and walked off to drink his hot chocolate.

Two small beeps from behind him made him turn around.

"What?" He said to himself and opened the microwave to see another jug of milk.

Kokichi was confused for a second as in his right hand was already a full cup.

"Okay~ then.." He huffed and took if out and closed the door.

Another beep.

"What in the hell—!" Kokichi hissed and opened the microwave to find another jug of milk.

"You have to be kidding with me.." He groaned and ran into the living room.

"Saihara come look!" Kokichi hurried and began trying to pull Shuichi off the couch.

"W-what?! Kokichi what's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"The milk is multiplying!" Kokichi yelled, "I gotta show you come on!"

Shuichi sighed and sat back down. "Really? Ouma, do you need to take a nap?"

"No! Just come!"

Shuichi finally agreed and they both walked in the kitchen to find the few more cups of multiplied milk gone.

"See, I told you. I'm bringing you to the doctor tomorrow." Shuichi scolded him and walked back in the living room, Kokichi dumbfounded.

In the corner of his eye there was a note in yellow paper that read, 'No one will believe you ;)'

Kokichi face planted into the counter and whined, "I swear I'm never making hot chocolate again."

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