5.Mistletoe (5/12)

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"the fifth day of christmas my true love gave to me;
𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘
four calling birds
three french hens
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

Nothing eventful seemed to be happening today. a decent 4 inches of snow, everyone talking to each other in the dining hall and no yelling.

Needless to say, that is not normal in the slightest.

Shuichi's nerves had been on end all day. Something was bound to happen, and where was Kokichi? I mean..he didn't care or anything—urgh! He just needed to know, okay?

So our stressed detective began to search through the halls, turning through every hall and corridor. Making sure not to miss a thing.

Wait who was that?


Shuichi totally did not scream, he did not fall on the floor. Letting in a shaky breath, he got ready to glare at whoever scared him shitless.

"W-why did you do that?!" He asked, getting up himself. But let out a sigh when he saw his very mischievous jumpscarer.

"Hhm~ Why did I do that? You'll have to find out later, for now you come with me! Good dog c'mon!" Kokichi smiled and dragged Shuichi to somewhere he hoped wasn't hell.

"Where've you been?"

"Taking over all the Chuck-E-Cheese restaurants in a 25 million mile radius."

Shuichi deadpanned at the statement, he was sure there wasn't even that many miles on the planet.

"That's..impossible. You know that right?" Shuichi tried to correct him but all he got was a laugh as they kept walking.

Speaking of the area, they had already left the school grounds and were in some dark alley. Was he going to die??

"You look like you're just about scared shitless Shuichi! Just hush, I prooomise I know what I'm doing." Kokichi hushed him and put a finger on his lips.

The gesture made the latter blush, but nonetheless shut his mouth for a time being.

Kokichi knocked on a metal door right at the end of the alley, and saw two pair's of pale eyes look at them lazily.

"Code?" The anonymous person asked.

"128519" He responded. And like that, they opened the door after a series of annoying clinking.

At first when they got in, the place looked like some club or arcade, if so they were way to young to be here. But if you gave another glance it sort of looked like..

"I told you I had a Chuck-E-Cheese restaurant."

Oh no.

~ time skip ~

"Where'd he go? I was knocking at Shuichi's door for like— 3 hours and got no response?" Kaito asked worried.

Miu scoffed, "Bitch, you were knocking at his door that long? What did you want a booty call? Either way the cuck would've been way to annoyed to answer for someone as desperate as that."

Kaito slammed his fist on the table defensively, "Hey! Shut up! My sidekick would never think I'm that annoying! And...what's a booty call?" He finished off with a question.

"Virgin." Miu whispered.

Maki came in and stopped them before it became a fight and sighed. "Calm down idiot, have you ever thought to call him?" She hissed as Kaito looked in thought.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now