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Marshal is best boy change my mind + writers block smh :(

"Put those down, you might hurt yourself."

Kokichi just mocked him in a sing song voice while messing around with the icicles on the top of the open garage.

In all honestly Kokichi had never dealt with snow in his life but once, there was no way he was just gonna sit by and look at everything.

He was gonna touch everything like a normal person would do.

"How do you expect me to just sit here and not figure out what the hell these are?" Kokichi ranted while waving the sharp icicle in the air.

"Careful. And you know well what that is." Shuichi told him sternly.

"I also know that you love meee.."

"Yes, I do." Shuichi said.

"And if you love me you'll let me play with these!" Kokichi cackled and threw some around.

"Kokichi, no!"

And just like he thought, Kokichi got hurt.


"Owie..stop, that stings!"

"I have to put alcohol on it." Shuichi snapped at him while dabbing the cut. "I tried to tell you, icicles can be sharp."

He got no response, and when he finished making sure it wasn't infected Shuichi looked up to see him crying.

He gasped and wiped some off his cheek. "Sorry if I hurt your feelings baby, I just don't want you getting anything fatal."

"I-I know.." Kokichi sniffed and hissed as he touched the cut. "You know what'll make me feel better?"


"Give it a kiss!" He ordered moving the wounded leg out.

Shuichi blinked and tilted his head. "What?"

"You heard me, kiss it!" Kokichi whined and put his leg out to Shuichi's level.

"N-no! Kokichi you're not 12!" Shuichi scolded him.

"And I'm not 18 either! Kiss it, kiss it, kiss it!"

Kokichi kept complaining and whining until Shuichi finally gave in.

"Fine! Give it here." Shuichi said and took his leg in both hands, giving the cut a little smooch.

"Yay!~" Kokichi smiled and slid it out. "Now it's sure to heal faster."

"I.." Shuichi didn't have time to explain, so he just agreed and put the first band aid he saw on the scar making sure it was covered throughly.

"Just—please be careful next time."

"I will, I'm not that clumsy Shuichi." Kokichi calmed him down.

"Yeah sure you aren't. Don't walk on that for a while. Do you want some snacks in the mean time?" Shuichi offered already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, gimmie those Almart brownies! Actually let me come—"

"Kokichi, no!!" Shuichi hissed.


"And that's how I ended up with crutches!" Kokichi giggled and showed off his cast.

Kaito and Maki just stared dumb founded while Shuichi mentally died in the corner. They should've just stayed home anyway.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now