28.Ice Skates (1/2)

33 1 0

"You haven't gotten up not once to try the skating ring. Don't tell me you're wussing out."

"Nope, I'm just waiting for the perfect time to use my telekinesis powers to cause a chain reaction."

Shuichi glanced at the people undeniably having a good time and back at Kokichi. "Chain reaction of what?"

"A bunch of people piling onto each other like doll rags? I thought you knew this stuff." Kokichi scoffed.

"And I thought you knew you promised to get off the bench this time and get out there."

"Don't push me." He glared and looked away.

"Metaphorically or physically?" Shuichi asked.

"Bo—" Kokichi's sentence was cut off as he was literally shoved into the skating ring.

"Shuichi I'm going to kill you!!" He screamed and kept his balance in an odd position, straightening up when Shuichi grabbed his hand.

"Oh that would be a bad decision~" He teased and started skating in the ring not letting go of Kokichi's hand.

"Ha..ahaha! See, I told you I could skate!" Kokichi gloated and squealed when Shuichi let go for one second.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's just like normal skating accept if you fall your clothes get wet."

"But I can't even normal skate.." Kokichi whined.

"Sure you can. You're skating right now." Shuichi laughed and started skating ahead of him.

"H-huh??" Kokichi looked down. When the fuck did he let go? "Bitch! Get back here I'm gonna die!"

"Naaaaahhh.." Kokichi could here him laughing his ass off in the distance. Damn him, no matter though. He would make sure Shuichi would cower with fear as he'd choose their next date.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now